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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Josiah Franklin Sr. (December 23, 1657 – January 16, 1745) was an English businessman and the father of Benjamin Franklin. Born in the village of Ecton, Northamptonshire, England, Josiah was the ninth child of blacksmith Thomas Franklin (1598–1682), and his first wife, Jane White (1617–1662).

  2. 17. März 2021 · Am 17. Januar 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts, geboren, war der junge Benjamin das achte Kind seiner Mutter Abiah und das 15. seines Vaters Josiah. Der Vater war mit seiner ersten Frau Anne aus England eingewandert und führte ein Geschäft für Kerzen und Seifen.

  3. Im April 1724 segelte Franklin nach Boston. Trotz des Stolzes auf die Leistungen seines Sohnes verweigerte Josiah Franklin ihm die Unterstützung für seine Pläne. Daraufhin kehrte Franklin unverrichteter Dinge nach Philadelphia zurück.

  4. Benjamin Franklin war das 15. von 17 Kindern des aus England eingewanderten Puritaners Josiah Franklin (1657–1745), der in Boston als Kerzen- und Seifenmacher den bescheidenen Lebensunterhalt für seine stetig wachsende Familie zu erwirtschaften versuchte.

  5. Learn about Benjamin Franklin's birth, parents, education, apprenticeship, and move to Philadelphia. His father was Josiah Franklin, a soap and candle maker, and his brother was James Franklin, a printer and journalist.

  6. Learn about Josiah Franklin, an English immigrant and a Puritan who made candles and soap in colonial Boston. Discover how he influenced his son Benjamin, a founding father of the United States, with his values, skills, and legacy.

  7. Franklin achieved fame as an inventor and scientist before he began his political career. His experiments in electricity – such as those performed with a kite and key – are well documented and have been depicted in many children's books. But in his day, Franklin was eminent in scientific circles. In 1753 he was awarded the Copley Medal of ...