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  1. Theorie und Praxiserfahrung im dualen Studium an der IU sammeln! Informationen hier. Studieren und arbeiten im Rahmen der Wirtschaftspsychologie. Jetzt kostenlos informieren


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Search for courses by teacher. This area of the Bocconi site contains the course profiles of all the courses offered for the 2022/23 academic year. This gives students the opportunity to read and to confront with teachers.

  2. Courses offered in Academic Programs 2024-2025 a.y. The code that distinctively identifies each course. Each course profile specifies the Course Director of the academic program (s) for which the course has been designed as well as the Course Instructor for each class group.

  3. Becoming a Bocconi student means choosing from a wide range of innovative and international study programs in the Social Sciences, in the fields of Economics, Management, Finance, Political Science, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Legal Studies.

  4. In questa sezione sono disponibili le Guide all'Universita' 2023-2024 in formato html e pdf. Le guide all'universita' in lingua inglese sono disponibili sull' International site.

  5. <ul> <li><em>This area of the Bocconi site contains the course profiles of all the courses offered for the<strong> 2024/25</strong> academic year. This gives students the opportunity to read and to confront with teachers.

  6. Guide to the University 2023-2024. Courses offered in Academic Programs 2023-2024.

  7. The first part of the course explores the economic and policy aspects of the process of European integration, analysing the economic consequences of trade liberalization (customs unions, free trade areas), the liberalization of capital flows (Single market), and the co-ordination of economic policies (economic union).

  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.