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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Zeitgeist is a German word meaning approximately: "the spirit of the times" reference. In the context of Ubuntu, it is a software package that remembers your activities to try and assist in narrowing down what you want to do without having to tell the computer as explicitly.

  2. There are three methods to install zeitgeist on Ubuntu 20.04. We can use apt-get , apt and aptitude . In the following sections we will describe each method.

  3. Die Zeitgeist-Software ist die hauptsächliche Datenquelle für Programme wie GNOME Activity Journal und Ubuntu Unity, welche sich als Front-Ends zu Zeitgeist gerade zu wichtigen Verwaltungs- und Darstellungswerkzeugen von Aktivitäten in der GNOME-Desktopumgebung entwickeln.

  4. sudo apt-get remove zeitgeist* (NICHT!!! benutzen) den lästigen Dienst los zu werden scheiterte kläglich. Nach dem Neustart war Unity leider nicht mehr vorzufinden und der Rechner vorerst nun komplett lahmgelegt.

  5. › title › ZeitgeistZeitgeist - ArchWiki

    Zeitgeist is a service which logs user activities and events, anywhere from files opened to websites visited or conversations held via email and more. It makes this information readily available for other applications to use in the form of timelines and statistics. See the

  6. 5. Aug. 2012 · Remove Zeitgeist from your Ubuntu. As first thing discover which Zeitgeist packages are installed on your system with: oot @ xubuntu-home: / etc # dpkg -l |grep zeit . ii libzeitgeist- 1.0 - 1 0.3.18-1ubuntu1 library to access Zeitgeist - shared library.