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  1. Judea Pearl ist ein US-amerikanischer Informatiker und Philosoph, der sich mit künstlicher Intelligenz beschäftigt.

  2. › wiki › Judea_PearlJudea Pearl - Wikipedia

    Judea Pearl is a Turing Award winner for his contributions to artificial intelligence and causal inference. He is also the father of journalist Daniel Pearl, who was killed by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002.

  3. Judea Pearl is a professor of computer science at UCLA and a pioneer in causal inference and artificial intelligence. His publications include books, articles, and chapters on topics such as causality, probabilistic reasoning, and structural equations.

  4. Judea Pearl is a professor of computer science and statistics at UCLA, and a pioneer of causal inference and artificial intelligence. His homepage provides links to his biography, publications, causality primer, blog, videos, and the Daniel Pearl Foundation.

  5. 17. Okt. 2018 · Judea Pearl ist ein Pionier im Bereich der künstlichen ­Intelligenz. Der Informatiker glaubt, dass sein viel beachtetes Forschungsgebiet in Wirklichkeit in der Klemme steckt: Es habe sich seit Jahrzehnten kaum ­weiterentwickelt.

  6. 15. Mai 2018 · Judea Pearl, a pioneering figure in artificial intelligence, argues that AI has been stuck in a decades-long rut. His prescription for progress? Teach machines to understand the question why.

  7. Judea Pearl is an Israeli-American computer scientist who developed the Bayesian network and the theory of causality. He won the 2011 Turing Award for his contributions to artificial intelligence and founded the Daniel Pearl Foundation after his son's murder.