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  1. 12. Nov. 1999 · 又看了一遍《Dogma》 我喜欢导演的构思和里面对传统教条的颠覆和重新解构 Ben Affleck + Matt Damon+Snape 大叔 看一眼就知道有谱 愤怒天使 Loki 诞生于上帝的怒火 他按照上帝的意志对有罪的人进行屠杀 看守天使 Bartleby 认为这样太过残忍 劝 Loki 辞职 于是他们两个被...

  2. 26. Dez. 2015 · Dogma 95二十年:他们曾经怎样反抗好莱坞?. 伴随着《肖申克的救赎》《阿甘正传》等电影的出现,为人乐道的“94黄金时代”将好莱坞电影推上了一个高峰。. 众所周知,好莱坞改变电影的定义。. 他们以固定的叙事方式使电影制作工厂化,一部部类型电影排着队 ...

  3. 25. Nov. 2004 · Residencia的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. 智利首部DOGME片。. “The Chilean public is not ready for Dogma films,” Artemio Espinosa says sadly. He is the maker (“The director must not be credited,” says Dogma rule No.10) of “Residencia” (The Residence), Chile’s first Dogma film. Nello Torino a young man, 17 years old, goes ...

  4. 20. Mai 1998 · 白痴的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. 刚刚遭受丧子之痛的家庭主妇凯伦(波迪尔·约根森 Bodil Jørgensen饰),敏感脆弱。. 她失魂落魄的游荡在哥本哈根的街头,在餐厅进餐时偶遇一位紧握她手不放的白痴。. 出于同情心,凯伦一路跟随他,目睹了一群终日装疯卖傻的 ...

  5. 25. März 2024 · 虽然《黑暗中的舞者》在技术上并非Dogma电影,但其对于粗犷与丑陋本身的热爱显然源自于Dogma运动的影响。 然而,悖论再次出现,《黑暗中的舞者》虽摒弃了好莱坞的技术手法,却并未放弃那些历史悠久、久而弥新的戏剧形式,这些形式一直是好莱坞工作室长久以来的主流。

  6. 21. Sept. 2000 · He spends his first couple of days in Stanley doing reconnaissance, setting his sights on Camila, whom he's first seen in church. He chats her up at an Internet café. They go out for drinks, then dinner, then to the see the King penguins and a 1982 battlefield. Back home, editing his Dogma 95 film, he receives a final message from Camila.

  7. 31. Aug. 2023 · 狗神的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. 落雨之夜,一辆卡车被警方逼停。. 驾驶室内坐着一名满身伤痕疲惫不堪的女子,可凑近却发现对方竟是个男人。. 男人的车上拉着上百条狗,种种诡异情况迫使警方将男人带回警局。. 男人自称名叫道格(卡莱伯·兰德里·琼斯 Caleb ...

  8. 29. März 1990 · 放开心胸的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. Set during the Mussolini years, Open Doors stars Gian Maria Volonte as an old-line judge. Volonte tries to remain faithful to the letter of the law, despite the "improvements" made by the Fascists. His insistence upon justice over dogma results in government reprimands, and ultimately poses a ...

  9. 27. Mai 1990 · 建筑师的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. Filmed during the end of German Democratic Republic, this somber and nuanced portrait of East Berlin life follows a young architect who feels his life and goals are suppressed by Communist dogma—represented in part by his parents’ generation. The Wall was removed so quickly, the film crew had to ...

  10. 15. Mai 2008 · 保沃历险记的剧情简介 · · · · · ·. An outstanding comedy whose poetic style hearkens back to the films of Wes Anderson. It tells of a youngster focused on winning the nationwide drumming championship in spite of certain obstacles – such as not having any drums! A film that is every bit as hardcore as Jimmy Page’s guitar, and ...

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