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  1. 2. Okt. 2019 · Inspired VoyageStar Trek: Voyager . Season 1 - Episode 1: Caretaker. March 2371. I woke up feeling worn down and sore, feeling like my head had been slapped around a few dozen times by a heavy mallet. My eyes could be glued closed for all the effort it was taking in opening them.

  2. 6. Jan. 2013 · Yep, that clinched it. It was about a minute after I first saw the Doctor that I thought like I just might be on the Voyager from the TV show Star Trek: Voyager but I had been quite firmly sticking that possibility as far out of my mind as possible. It seemed that however impossible that was the reality. I was on a bloody death ship in a TV show.

  3. I remember there being a planet of telepaths with their own thought crime. Belana Torres gets arrested for feeling a FLASH of anger when someone bumps into her at a party. Janeway, rather than playing the "different cultures" card and keeping any volatile crew away from the telepaths allows it to go to trial IIRC. 26.

  4. 14. Dez. 2016 · 1) Wait until DS9 was finished, because it gives Voyager the ability to return home before the last episode. 2) Make the cast smaller, the Central Cast should've just been Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok, The Doctor and maybe Paris. Neelix, Kim, Kes and Torres would be the Secondary Cast.

  5. 14. Apr. 2012 · Star Trek: Voyager An Alternate Journey 01: Time of Mystery 10 July 2374 Deep Space; in a region of the Delta Quadrant The USS Voyager NCC 74656 was travelling at Warp 7, on a course towards the distant Federation. In Astrometrics, former Borg drone, Seven of Nine, was scanning the region of space that Voyager was travelling through.

  6. 29. Juni 2019 · Qoral, a younger Klingon actually attempted to do his first duty by reaching for his communicator instead of his rifle. The shot from my left hand thumper took him center mass, pulping his chest cavity and sending him back 2 feet. Yeah, augment strength was op enough for me to handle that kind of recoil.

  7. 25. Juli 2013 · The Sombrero Spider. Jul 25, 2013. #1. Detox. A Star Trek: Voyager fanfiction by Andrew J. Talon. DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fan based work of prose. Star Trek: Voyager, Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation et al are the property of CBS Television, Paramount and the creation of Gene Roddenberry. Please support the official release.

  8. 10. Juli 2008 · I don't own either Star Trek: Voyager, nor Stargate: SG-1, or Atlantis. Star Trek and all related franchises are the property of Paramount Studios / Viacom Television. Stargate and all of its franchises are the property of MGM Studios and the Sci-Fi Channel.

  9. 23. Feb. 2009 · Q99. Feb 23, 2009. #4. I feel DS9 is better than TNG which is in turn much better than Voyager. I know a lot of people who considered DS9 to be the best Trek show- it didn't get the ratings TNG did while it was on, but it did have an overarcing story and some great characters.

  10. 9. Nov. 2020 · Dec 8, 2020. #776. Riker ia pretty humane in his response towards 21 century people. We tend to look back to previous generation as "if only they knew better". And this is means 26 century people will look back and wonder how the hell starfleet entertained such officer as Riker and Picard and how the hell the human race survive the borg. Hmm.

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