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  1. Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) ist der deutsche Auslandsnachrichtendienst. Er hat den Auftrag, Informationen von außen-und sicherheitspolitischer Bedeutung zu sammeln und auszuwerten. Als Nachfolger der Organisation Gehlen wurde der Nachrichtendienst am 1. April 1956 gegründet und hat seinen Sitz in Berlin (bis Anfang 2019 ...

  2. www.bnd.bund.deBND

    Der BND ist der Auslandsnachrichtendienst Deutschlands. Er informiert die Bundesregierung tagesaktuell und objektiv zu außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Fragen.

  3. Die Geschichte des BND nicht nur zu dokumentieren, sondern aus ihr zu lernen, um die Aufgaben der Gegenwart und Zukunft noch besser zu meistern – das ist unser Anspruch. Der BND setzt sich kritisch mit seiner Entstehungs- und Frühgeschichte auseinander und unterstützt die Unab­hängige Historikerkommission ( UHK ) zur Aufarbeitung der ...

  4. Die Nachrichtendienste des Bundes sind in Deutschland: der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, Auslandsnachrichtendienst) das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV, ziviler Inlandsnachrichtendienst; zuständig für die Spionageabwehr und den Verfassungsschutz) und.

    • 1960s
    • 1970s
    • 1980s
    • 1990s
    • 2000s
    • 2010s

    During the first years of oversight by the State Secretary in the federal chancellery of Konrad Adenauer of the operation in Pullach, Munich District, Bavaria, the BND continued the ways of its forebear, the Gehlen Organization. The BND racked up its initial east–west cold war successes by concentrating on East Germany. The BND's reach encompassed ...

    The agency's second president, Gerhard Wessel, retired in 1978. According to his obituary in the Los Angeles Times in August 2002, the "former intelligence officer in Adolf Hitler's anti-Soviet spy operations" ... "is credited with modernizing the BND by hiring academic analysts and electronics specialists". The New York TimesNews Service obituary ...

    Libyan bombings in Germany

    In 1986, the BND deciphered the report of the Libyan Embassy in East Berlin regarding the "successful" implementation of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing.

    Infiltration into Stasi HQ

    According to an interview with Stasi defector Col. Rainer Wiegand, BND agents were assigned to use the anti-Stasi protests in East Germany in order to covertly obtain files from Building No. 2, which houses the counterespionage directorate.Wiegand assisted by providing the blueprints of the building and indicated which offices the agents should prioritize.

    Operation Summer Rain

    Operation Summer Rain was a highly classified joint mission involving the [Federal Intelligence Service and special units of the German Armed Forces during the Soviet-Afghan Warin the 1980s. The primary objective of the operation was to gather intelligence on the weapons systems utilized by Soviet forces.

    Spying on journalists

    In 2005, a public scandal erupted (dubbed the Journalistenskandal, journalists scandal) over revelations that the BND had placed a number of German journalists under surveillance since the-mid 1990s, in an attempt to discover the source of information leaks from the BND regarding the activities of the service in connection with the war in Iraq and the "war against terror". The Bundestag constituted an investigative committee ("Parlamentarischer Untersuchungsausschuss") to investigate the alle...

    Tiitinen list

    In 1990, BND gave the Finnish Security Intelligence Service the so-called Tiitinen list—which supposedly contains names of Finns who were believed to have links to Stasi. The list was classified and locked in a safe after the Director of the Finnish Security Intelligence Service, Seppo Tiitinen, and the President of Finland, Mauno Koivisto, determined that it was based on vague hints instead of hard evidence.

    unlicensed armament exports

    In the wake of the German reunification in 1991, Israel requested access to GDR weapon systems. In March 1991 a parliamentary commission decided to not give the requested weapons to Israel. Six month later, under the supervision of BND-director Volker Foertsch, the service, in conjunction with elements within the Federal Ministry of Defence, still without political clearance to do so, arranged several transfers of the requested GDR weapon systems (an SA-6 system, a ZSU-23/4 and other equipmen...

    Promoting the invasion of Iraq

    On 5 February 2003, Colin Powell made the case for a military attack on Iraq in front of the UN Security Council. Powell supported his case with information received from the BND, instead of Mr. Hans Blix and the IAEA. The BND had collected intelligence from an informant known as Rafid al-Janabi alias CURVEBALL, who claimed Iraq would be in possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, apart from torturing and killing over 1,000 dissidents each year, for over 20 years. Rafid was employed before...

    Israel vs. Lebanon

    Following the 2006 Lebanon War, the BND mediated secret negotiations between Israel and Hezbollah, eventually leading up to the 2008 Israel–Hezbollah prisoner exchange.

    Fighting tax evasion

    In the beginning of 2008, it was revealed that the BND had managed to recruit excellent sources within Liechtenstein banks and had been conducting espionage operations in the principality since the beginning of the 2000s. The BND mediated the German Finance Ministry's $7.3 million acquisition of a CD from a former employee of the LGT Group – a Liechtenstein bank owned by the country's ruling family. While the Finance Ministry defends the deal, saying it would result in several hundred million...

    In 2014, an employee of BND was arrested for handing over secret documents to the United States. He was suspected of handing over documents about the committee investigating the NSA spying in Germany. The German government responded to this espionage by expelling the top CIA official in Berlin. In December 2016, WikiLeaks published 2,420 documents ...

  5. › DE › Die_ArbeitDie Arbeit | BND

    Was macht eigentlich der Bundesnachrichtendienst? Wo beginnt sein Auftrag und wer überprüft seine Arbeit? Das Video gibt einen kurzen Einblick in die Aufgaben und die Arbeit des BND.

  6. Der Bundesnachrichtendienst ( BND) ist der deutsche Auslandsnachrichtendienst. Er hat den Auftrag, Informationen von außen- und sicherheitspolitischer Bedeutung zu sammeln und auszuwerten.