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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Akins war ein großer, breitschultriger Filmschauspieler, der vor allem in Western und Kriminalfilmen den Typus des „harten Jungen“, ob gut oder böse, spielte. Er gehörte nie zur ersten Garde der Hollywood -Stars, spielte aber in über 100 Filmen und dutzenden Fernsehserien Nebenrollen.

  2. › wiki › Claude_AkinsClaude Akins - Wikipedia

    Claude Aubrey Akins (May 25, 1926 – January 27, 1994) was an American character actor. He played Sonny Pruit in Movin' On, a 1974–1976 American drama series about a trucking team, Sheriff Lobo on the 1979–1981 television series, and a variety of other film and television roles.

  3. › name › nm0015391Claude Akins - IMDb

    Claude Akins. Actor: Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Broad-shouldered and beefy Claude Akins had wavy black hair, a deep booming voice and was equally adept at playing sneering cowardly villains as he was at portraying hard-nosed cops.

  4. Claude Akins. Actor: Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Broad-shouldered and beefy Claude Akins had wavy black hair, a deep booming voice and was equally adept at playing sneering cowardly villains as he was at portraying hard-nosed cops.

  5. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Claude Akins. Von den Anfängen seiner 38 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  6. 27. Jan. 1994 · Claude Marion Akins (May 25, 1926 – January 27, 1994) was an American actor with a long career on stage, screen and television. Powerful in appearance and voice, Akins could be counted on to play the clever (or less than clever) tough guy, on the side of good or bad, in movies and television.

  7. Claude Marion Akins was a popular American character actor. He had a long career on television, stage, as well as the big screen. His most notable works include his role of Sheriff Lobo in the comedy TV series ‘B.J. and the Bear’ as well as in its spin-off series ‘The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo’. Born in Nelson, Georgia, in the US ...

  8. 27. Jan. 1994 · Claude Akins ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 38 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.

  9. 27. Jan. 1994 · Claude Akins wurde am 25.05.1918 geboren und ist bekannt für Filme wie Rio Bravo, Die Schlacht um den Planet der Affen, Flucht in Ketten und Serien wie Dream West - Das abenteuerliche Leben des...

  10. › people › profileClaude Akins

    Claude Akins. Biography. Broad-shouldered and beefy Claude Akins had wavy black hair, and a deep booming voice and was equally adept at playing sneering cowardly villains as he was at portraying hard-nosed cops.

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