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  1. › wiki › DangdutDangdut – Wikipedia

    Dangdut ist einer der populärsten Stile der indonesischen Musik, der sich zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre in Indonesien sowie in geringerem Maß in Malaysia und Teilen der Philippinen verbreitete.

  2. › wiki › DangdutDangdut - Wikipedia

    Dangdut (/ dɑːŋˈduːt /) is a genre of Indonesian folk music that is partly derived and fused from Hindustani, Arabic and to lesser extent, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese and local folk music. [1][2][3] Dangdut is the most popular musical genre in Indonesia [1] and very popular in other Maritime Southeast Asian countries as well because of its melodi...

  3. 20 GEBYAR DANGDUT LAWAS VOL. 1 (Spesial Dangdut Klasik)Kumpulan lagu - lagu Dangdut terbaik dan terpopuler DANGDUT KLASIK STATION. Siap untuk didengerin kapa...

    • 110 Min.
    • 2,5M
    • Dangdut Klasik Station
  4. 00:00:00 MAWAR PUTIH - Prasiska Widowati00:04:54 DINDING KACA - Lik Heri ft. Diana Lupi00:11:26 SELIMUT BIRU - Andari Pandawa00:17:57 SENANDUNG RINDU...

    • 72 Min.
    • 30M
  5. Dangdut is a most popular musical genre in Indonesia and a very popular in other Malay world countries as well because of its melodious instrumentation and vocals. Dangdut features a tabla and gendang beat.

  6. 18. Juni 2019 · It is often said that dangdut is Indonesia’s national music. Its longstanding popularity has given it the honourable title of ‘The Music of the People’—as declared by Secretary of State, Moerdiono in 1995, during a dangdut concert celebrating 50 years of Indonesia’s independence 2.

  7. Ein Dangdut-Ensemble beinhaltet meist elektronische Instrumente wie eine E-Gitarre, Keyboard etc. sowie die indische Trommel tabla und die indonesische Bambusflöte suling. Dieses meist vier bis acht Instrumentalisten umfassende Ensemble begleitet einen Sänger oder eine Sängerin.