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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Geografische Lage. Sie liegt in der Region Imeretien, 65 Kilometer landeinwärts vom Schwarzmeerhafen Poti und 40 Kilometer westlich von Kutaissi in der Kolchischen Tiefebene. Sie hat 25.318 Einwohner (2014). Geschichte. Samtredia liegt an der 1872 in Betrieb gegangene Bahnstrecke Poti–Baku, der ältesten Bahnstrecke Georgiens.

  2. › wiki › SamtrediaSamtredia - Wikipedia

    Samtredia (Georgian: სამტრედია [samtʼɾedia]) is a town in Imereti, Georgia, lying in a lowland between the rivers Rioni and Tskhenis-Tsqali, 244 km (152 mi) west of the capital Tbilisi, and 27 km (17 mi) west of Georgia's third largest city Kutaisi.

  3. Die Stadt Samtredia liegt am Nordufer des Flusses Rioni in der Kolchischen Tiefebene und ist ein wichtiger Straßen- und Bahnknoten in der Westgeorgischen Region Imeretien.

    • Where Is Samtredia located?
    • History of Samtredia
    • What Should You See in Samtredia?

    Samtredia Municipality with the center in eponymous town is located on the Colchis Lowland, on the banks of the Rioni River, 25 meters above sea level. It is 30 km from Kutaisi, and 20 km from Kutaisi International Airport. Samtredia is located at the crossroads of Imereti, Guria, and Samegrelo Regions. From Samtredia, the road lead westwards to th...

    According to historians’ sources, Samtredia first appeared as a village in the second half of the 18th century. At that time, it was built in a large forest-swamp land. In 1872, when the Tbilisi-Poti railway line was opened in Georgia, people started to settle in these places. As the infrastructure improved, industry developed. The swamps were drai...

    Most of Samtredia municipality is built on ancient settlements, and so there are many valuable sights. For example, there is Telepis - ruins of a castle of the 11th-12th centuries in the village of Toli, the ancient settlement of Dablagomi, as well as churches named after the Mother of God, the Savior, the Nativity, the Crucifixion, St. George, and...

  4. Samtredia is located on the Colchis Lowland, on the right bank of Rioni river, 27 kilometers west of Kutaisi. For the first time Samtredia was mentioned in historical sources in the second half of the 18th century as a village.

  5. Samtredia municipality is located in western Georgia, Imereti region, on the right Bank of the Rioni river, where the highway from Kutaisi connects the main roads of Guria and Samegrelo. Its administrative center is the city of Samtredia.

  6. Explore the charming town of Samtredia in western Georgia. Learn about its rich history, unique culture, and stunning natural scenery.

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