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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. This article aims to give a historical outline of liberalism in Germany (German: Liberalismus). The liberal parties dealt with in the timeline below are, largely, those which received sufficient support at one time or another to have been represented in parliament.

  2. Der Liberalismus (lateinisch liber, libera, liberum ‚frei‘; liberalis „die Freiheit betreffend, freiheitlich“) ist eine Grundposition der politischen Philosophie und eine historische und aktuelle Bewegung, die eine freiheitliche politische, ökonomische und soziale Ordnung anstrebt.

  3. The National Liberal Party (German: Nationalliberale Partei, NLP) was a liberal party of the North German Confederation and the German Empire which flourished between 1867 and 1918. During the Prussian -led unification of Germany, the National Liberals became the dominant party in the Reichstag.

  4. Die Geschichte liberaler Parteien beginnt im weitesten Sinne mit den Publikationen und Handlungen liberal denkender Philosophen, Schriftsteller und Staatsmänner etwa im 18. Jahrhundert.

  5. Germany also has a number of other parties, in recent history most importantly the Free Democratic Party (FDP), Alliance 90/The Greens, The Left, and more recently the Alternative for Germany (AfD), founded in 2013. The federal government of Germany often consisted of a coalition of a major and a minor party, specifically CDU/CSU and FDP or SPD ...

    Leader (s)
    Social Democratic Party of Germany ...
    Lars Klingbeil, Saskia Esken
    Social democracy Pro-Europeanism
    Christian Democratic Union of Germany ...
    Christian democracy Conservatism ...
    Christian Social Union in Bavaria ...
    Christian democracy Conservatism Bavarian ...
    Alliance 90/The Greens Bündnis 90/Die ...
    Ricarda Lang, Omid Nouripour
    Green politics Social liberalism ...
  6. However, Germany saw in the following two distinct party systems: the Green party and the Liberals remained mostly West German parties, while in the East the former socialist state party, now called The Left Party, flourished along with the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats.

  7. Die Freie Demokratische Partei (Kurzbezeichnung: FDP, von 1968 bis 2001 F.D.P.; [6] Eigenbezeichnung: Freie Demokraten, bis 2015 Die Liberalen) [7] ist eine liberale Partei in Deutschland, die im politischen Spektrum im Bereich Mitte [8] bis Mitte-rechts [9] eingeordnet wird.