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28. März 2014 · These thoughts and observations from antiquity until the 20th centure are short aphorisms, arranged by subject. The wonderful poet, WH Auden, selected them. There are some amazing insights here about life, the universe and everything! A William Cole book.
A Certain World: A Commonplace Book, by W. H. Auden, is an anthology of passages and quotations from other authors, selected by Auden, arranged alphabetically by subject.
- Wystan Hugh Auden
- 1970
26. Juni 1970 · A book with myriad segments, all weird and wonderful - about every subject under the sun. A sage, wacky and down-to-earth book, culled from a wildly eclectic spectrum of sources.
- (71)
- Hardcover
Wystan Hugh Auden. Faber & Faber, 1982 - Commonplace-books - 452 pages. A book containing quotations selected by Auden with his commentary, arranged in an alphabetical sequence of topics from...
- Wystan Hugh Auden
- illustrated, reprint
- Wystan Hugh Auden
Books. A Certain World: A Commonplace Book. Viking Press, 1970 - Fiction - 438 pages. Other editions - View all. ‹ ›. About the author (1970) W. H. Auden, who was born in York, England, on...
- Wystan Hugh Auden
- Viking Press, 1970
- 0670209945, 9780670209941
26. Juni 1970 · Hardcover – June 26, 1970. by W. H. Auden (Author) 4.5 13 ratings. See all formats and editions. A Certain World. Report an issue with this product or seller. Print length. 438 pages. Language.
11. Juli 2024 · Created by an anonymous user. Imported from Scriblio MARC record. A certain world by W. H. Auden, 1970, Viking Press edition, in English.
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