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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 17. Mai 2022 · EU-Verkehrskommissarin Adina Vălean ist heute (Dienstag) zu politischen Gesprächen in Berlin. Vor ihrem Treffen mit Abgeordneten des Verkehrs- und EU-Ausschusses im Bundestag heute Abend hat sich die Kommissarin am Nachmittag mit Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing getroffen. Gemeinsam mit US-Verkehrsminister Pete Buttigieg werden sie am ...

  2. 14. Sept. 2023 · Bruxelles-ul nu plătește despăgubiri, ci finanțează proiecte, a răspuns comisarul european Adina Vălean la declarațiilor liderilor de la București care ar vrea decontarea din bani europeni a unor cheltuieli suplimentare în infrastructură generate de războiul din Ucraina. În replică, ministrul Transporturilor, Sorin Grindeanu, a declarat pentru că nu a cerut despăgubiri.

  3. Contactați echipa. E-mail Adresa European Commission. Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200. 1049 Brussels. Solicitări de presă. Echipa Adinei Vălean o sprijină în activitatea sa cotidiană.

  4. Adina Ioana Vălean ist eine rumänische Politikerin und Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments für die Partidul Național Liberal. Sie gehört seit 2007 dem Europäischen Parlament an; 2007 bis 2014 der ALDE-Fraktion und seit 2014 der EVP-Fraktion.

  5. Phone number. +32 2 29 54447. Responsibilities. Personal assistant to Commissioner Vălean. Strategic agenda setting and policy support. Local Security Officer. Group of External Coordination (EXCO) Commissioners Group for Stronger Europe. Foreign policy and trade (EEAS/TRADE)

  6. 14. Nov. 2019 · Description. Adina-Ioana Valean, born on 16 February 1968 in Băicoi, is a Romanian politician and has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament since 2007. After the hearing by the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament, the committee prepares an evaluation letter on the candidate.

  7. Adina Ioana Vălean is the Chairwoman of the European Parliament’s Committee for Industry, Research and Energy. In her previous term, she served as Chairwoman of the European Parliament’s Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. From 2014 to 2017, she was Vice-President of the European Parliament, on behalf of the EPP Group, in charge of ICT.