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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Adolphe Thiers war ein französischer Politiker und Historiker, der von 1871 bis 1873 der erste Staatspräsident der Dritten Republik war. Er war ein liberaler Journalist, Ministerpräsident, Kriegsgegner und Autor einer positiven Geschichte der französischen Revolution.

  2. Adolphe Thiers was a French statesman and historian who served as the second president of the Third Republic. He played a key role in several revolutions, the Franco-Prussian War, and the suppression of the Paris Commune.

  3. Adolphe Thiers, né le 15 avril 1797 (26 germinal an V) à Marseille et mort le 3 septembre 1877 à Saint-Germain-en-Laye, est un avocat, journaliste, historien et homme d'État français.

  4. Découvrez la biographie d'Adolphe Thiers, journaliste, historien, ministre et chef du pouvoir exécutif sous la IIIe République. Il a conclu la paix avec la Prusse, réprimé la Commune et renforcé le régime républicain.

  5. 30. Aug. 2024 · Learn about Adolphe Thiers, the founder and first president of the Third Republic, who crushed the Paris Commune and paid off the German indemnity. Explore his political career, his historical works, and his legacy in France.

    • Jean Vidalenc
  6. Learn about the life and achievements of Adolphe Thiers, who was a liberal journalist, a founder of the Republic, and the "executioner of the Commune" in 1871. Explore his role in the July revolution, the Second Empire, the Franco-Prussian war, and the return of Napoleon's ashes.

  7. Learn about the life and achievements of Adolphe Thiers, who served as a lawyer, journalist, deputy, minister, prime minister and president of France. He made peace with Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War and crushed the Paris Commune in 1871.