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  1. Die US-amerikanische Seifenoper All My Children spielt in dem fiktiven Vorort Pine Valley von Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Die Show dreht sich um das Leben verschiedener fiktiver Familien und Einzelpersonen. In der Seifenoper werden verschiedene Gesellschaftsfragen illustriert.

  2. All My Children (often shortened to AMC) is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 5, 1970, to September 23, 2011, and on The Online Network (TOLN) from April 29 to September 2, 2013, via Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes.

  3. All My Children: Created by Agnes Nixon. With Susan Lucci, David Canary, Michael E. Knight, Cameron Mathison. Set in the fictional East Coast suburb Pine Valley, this show is the decades-old, risk-taking soap that centers around Erica Kane and her long line of husbands.

  4. 23. Sept. 2011 · Everyone gathers together to celebrate Joe Martin's 35th anniversary at the hospital, including Phoebe Wallingford, Verla Grubbs (Carol Burnett), Nick Davis and Agnes Nixon.

  5. All My Children: Populäre US-Soap, die seit über 35 Jahren im Nachmittagsprogramm des Senders „ABC“ läuft. Die einstündige Seifenoper dreht …

  6. All My Children is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC for 41 years, from January 5, 1970 to September 23, 2011, and on The Online Network since April 29, 2013 via Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes.

  7. All My Children is an American television soap opera that aired on ABC for 41 years, from January 5, 1970 to September 23, 2011, and on The Online Network since April 29, 2013 via Hulu, Hulu Plus, and iTunes.

  8. Gibt es All My Children auf Netflix, Amazon, und co? Jetzt online Stream finden!

  9. All My Children. DRAMA. Love, excitement and suspense return to Pine Valley with the unforgettable Chandlers, Cortlandts, Martins and Hubbards in all new episodes of All My Children.

  10. Populäre US-Soap, die seit über 35 Jahren im Nachmittagsprogramm des Senders "ABC" läuft. Die einstündige Seifenoper dreht sich um Leben und Leiden der Einwohner des fiktiven Städtchens "Pine...