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  1. Looking for Anatole Demidoff di San Donato? Find out information about Anatole Demidoff di San Donato. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated or ideologically biased. , a city, the center of Demidov Raion, Smolensk... Explanation of Anatole Demidoff di San Donato

  2. Anatole Nikolaievitch Demidoff, First Prince of San Donato Anatole Demidoff, First Prince of San Donato (1813- 1870) was born in Moscow and educated in Paris by a French Jansenist priest named abbé Brandt. Similar to his father’s fate, Anatole assumed important responsibility at only fifteen on the premature passing of his father. Based on an extensive inventory of treasures approved for ...

  3. Anatole Nikolaïevitch Demidoff (en russe : Анатолий Николаевич Демидов ), premier prince de San Donato, né à Saint-Pétersbourg ( Russie) le 5 avril 1812 ( 17 avril dans le calendrier grégorien) et mort à Paris le 29 avril 1870 est un diplomate, industriel, mécène et collectionneur d'art russe .

  4. Signature: Signed, and dated (on side of quiver): Bartolini fece 1845 Firenze [executed by Bartolini 1845 Florence] Inscription: > On side of quiver: Di commissione del principe / Anatolio Demidoff [Ordered by the prince/Anatole Demidoff]

  5. La collezione di piante di San Donato fu creata nel 1850 da Carl von Hügel, su richiesta di Anatole Demidoff, dalle collezioni che aveva raccolto nel suo giardino a Hietzing vicino a Vienna. Jules Émile Planchon ha redatto il catalogo ragionato di 1854 - 1858 .

  6. Im Auftrage des in Paris und Florenz lebenden russischen Großindustriellen und Mäzens Anatole Demidoff di San Donato bereiste er 1839 Russland und fertigte dort 100 Lithografien für dessen in Paris erschienenes Werk Voyage pittoresque et archéologique en Russie (1840).

  7. Demidov, Anatolii Nikdaevich Principe di San Donato (1813-1870). Demidoff, Anatole (1812-1870) – Kunstsammlungen – Ausstellungen. Demidov, Anatol . Publisher Trustees of T.H.E. Wallace Collection Item Height 278mm Language English Author Etc., Franci ...