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  1. Vor 40 Minuten · Anne Applebaum argues that the Ukraine war can only end when Russia stops fighting. Despite Ukraine’s asymmetric warfare successes, like using drones to defeat Russia’s Black Sea fleet, the war continues due to Russia’s unwillingness to negotiate and its commitment to conquest. Applebaum stresses that Western allies must support Ukraine ...

  2. Vor 14 Stunden · Autora do novo livro “Autocracia, Inc. – Os ditadores que querem governar o mundo”, Anne Applebaum é historiadora e jornalista norte-americana, vencedora do Prémio Pulitzer em 2004. Applebaum é ainda redatora da equipa do The Atlantic e membro sénior do Agora Institute da Universidade Johns Hopkins, onde co-dirige um projeto sobre a desinformação do século XXI.

  3. › wiki › EmpireEmpire - Wikipedia

    Vor 14 Stunden · Later that year, Anne Applebaum approached the new Russian Empire as a fact and opined that this Empire must be defeated. [110] Other pundits described the new Russian Empire as a failed attempt because Russia failed to annex the whole of Ukraine. [111]

  4. Vor 14 Stunden · Mundo Anne Applebaum A pesar das perturbações que o conflito tem causado, Applebaum tem esperança "que [o conflito] possa ser o início da mudança" no país, disse Applebaum em entrevista à Lusa.

  5. Vor 14 Stunden · Anne Applebaum "istisnasız olarak, tek parti rejimi üzerine olan Leninist inancın her komünist rejimin bir özelliği olduğunu" ve "Bolşeviklerin şiddet kullanımının her Komünist devrimde tekrarlandığını" iddia eder.

  6. Vor 14 Stunden · Die Republikanische Partei (englisch Republican Party; auch als Republikaner (englisch Republicans) oder Grand Old Party (GOP; englisch große alte Partei) bezeichnet) ist mit ca. 33,2 Millionen registrierten Anhängern neben der Demokratischen Partei die kleinere der beiden großen politischen Parteien in den Vereinigten Staaten. [13]

  7. Vor 6 Stunden · The inaugural edition of this conference will be held on October 14 and 15 at the CaixaForum in Barcelona Participants will include economist Mariana Mazzucato, columnist Anne Applebaum, author Javier Cercas, and philosopher Daniel Innerarity Spain's Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, will inaugurate the forum, which will also feature former ...