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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor einem Tag · Irak: 15 IS-Terroristen getötet. 8 Uhr: Soldaten aus den USA und dem Irak haben bei einem gemeinsamen Einsatz im Westirak 15 Kämpfer der Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) getötet. Der ...

  2. Vor einem Tag · TEHRAN - As Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Mongolia on July 31, his focus was on events unfolding in West Asia. Earlier, Israel had assassinated a senior Hamas leader in Tehran, and Iranian officials had threatened retaliation for the martyrdom of their close ally on Iranian soil.

  3. Vor einem Tag · Nach der ukrainischen Offensive in Kursk rückt Russland im Osten der Ukraine vor. Deshalb wird nun Kritik an Selenskyj laut. Erstmals ist ein ukrainischer F-16-Pilot im Einsatz gestorben ...

  4. Vor 9 Stunden · Richard Peeperkorn told a press briefing from Gaza that the two-round polio vaccination campaign will see the administration of two drops of novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) to more than 640,000 children under the age of 10 across the enclave. The campaign is to kick off this coming weekend. To facilitate the campaign, 1.26 million doses ...

  5. Vor einem Tag · Ministrul Muncii, Simona Bucura – Oprescu, a declarat că toate drepturile câştigate de mineri, de siderurgişti, de cei care au lucrat în zonele de radiaţii sunt menţinute, menţionând că acesta este şi motivul pentru care rămân cu acelaşi cuantum al pensiilor în plată. Simona Bucura – Oprescu a fost întrebată, sâmbătă, la emisiunea Insider Politic […]

  1. Verwandte Suchbegriffe zu Antony Blinken

    evan ryan