25. Sept. 2024 · Steinbergers Marktblick. Vorpremiere des neuen Kabarettprogramms: "Leider". Karten kaufen. mehr. Steinbergers Marktblick. Marktplatz 10. 85625 Glonn. Routenplaner >>. 05.10.2024 20:00 Uhr.
Vor einem Tag · The Baader Meinhof Complex. Uli Edel. Moritz Bleibtreu, Martina Gedeck, Bruno Ganz, Johanna Wokalek, Alexandra Maria Lara, Heino Ferch, Nadja Uhl, Jan Josef Liefers. Drama. Nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film / nominated for the 2009 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.
Vor einem Tag · The term Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "nondualism", [3][4] and often equated with monism [note 4]) refers to vivartavada, the idea that "the world is merely an unreal manifestation (vivarta) of Brahman," [5] as proposed by the 13th century scholar Prakasatman. [6]
Vor einem Tag · Shaivism is a major tradition within Hinduism with a theology that is predominantly related to the Hindu god Shiva. Shaivism has many different sub-traditions with regional variations and differences in philosophy. [31] Shaivism has a vast literature with different philosophical schools ranging from nondualism, dualism, and mixed schools.
Vor einem Tag · Politics portal. v. t. e. The 1911 Revolution, also known as the Xinhai Revolution or Hsinhai Revolution, ended China's last imperial dynasty, the Qing dynasty, and led to the establishment of the Republic of China. The revolution was the culmination of a decade of agitation, revolts, and uprisings.
Vor einem Tag · Level 2 Bridging Course (Online) 08-10-2024 7:00 pm - 12-11-2024 9:00 pm. R995.00. Course consists of 6 x 2hr sessions. These will be each Tuesday for 6 consecutive Tuesdays - Live and Interactive Online Zoom Sessions.
Vor einem Tag · I social media sono sempre più utilizzati per adescare e abusare di adolescenti, secondo una nuova ricerca presentata alla conferenza dell’American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 a Orlando. Lo studio ha esaminato oltre 1.000 adolescenti vittime di abusi sessuali e ha scoperto che circa il 7% di essi ha riferito che i social media sono stati utilizzati per facilitare l’aggressione, con ...