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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. › wiki › BananenBananen – Wikipedia

    Die Bananen (Musa), veraltet Paradiesfeigen, sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Bananengewächse (Musaceae) innerhalb der Einkeimblättrigen Pflanzen (Monokotyledonen). Die etwa 80 Arten stammen alle aus dem tropischen bis subtropischen Asien und westlichen Pazifikraum. [1]

  2. › wiki › BananaBanana - Wikipedia

    A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry [1] – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, cooking bananas are called plantains, distinguishing them from dessert bananas.

  3. 21. Feb. 2023 · Learn about the carbs, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in bananas. Find out how bananas may benefit your heart, gut, and blood sugar levels.

  4. 5. Feb. 2024 · Learn about the carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, and resistant starch content of bananas, and how they affect blood sugar levels and gut health. Find out the pros and cons of bananas for diabetes and weight loss.

  5. Bananas are a great source of nutrition and are high in minerals like potassium and magnesium, as well as dietary fiber, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. One medium banana contains about 105 calories, making it a healthy snack for those trying to cut down on calorie intake.

  6. › food-features › bananasBananas – The Nutrition Source

    Learn about the nutritional value, types, and health benefits of bananas, a popular tropical fruit. Find out how to store, prepare, and use bananas in various dishes and desserts.

  7. 7. Juli 2023 · Here are 11 science-based health benefits of bananas. 1. Rich in nutrients. Bananas contain a fair amount of carbs, water, fiber, and antioxidants but little protein and no fat. One medium...

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    olivia pascal
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