Baruch de Spinoza (hebräisch ברוך שפינוזה, portugiesisch Bento de Espinosa, latinisiert Benedictus de Spinoza; geboren am 24. November 1632 in Amsterdam; gestorben am 21. Februar 1677 in Den Haag) war ein niederländischer Philosoph. Er war Sohn sephardischer Immigranten aus Portugal und hatte Portugiesisch als Erstsprache. [1] .
Baruch (de) Spinoza[b] (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677), also known under his Latinized pen name Benedictus de Spinoza, was a philosopher of Portuguese-Jewish origin. A forerunner of the Age of Enlightenment, Spinoza significantly influenced modern biblical criticism, 17th-century rationalism, and Dutch intellectual culture ...
Baruch (hebr.: »der Gesegnete«; lat.: Benedictus) de Sp. (andere Schreibweisen: Despinosa oder D’Espinosa) wurde in Vloonburg, dem Amsterdamer Judenviertel, geboren. Seine Familie gehörte zum Kreis der sogenannten »Marranen«, einer Gruppe portugiesisch-jüdischer Familien, die gegen Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts vor der Inquisition in die ...
25. Juli 2024 · Benedict de Spinoza (born November 24, 1632, Amsterdam—died February 21, 1677, The Hague) was a Dutch Jewish philosopher, one of the foremost exponents of 17th-century Rationalism and one of the early and seminal figures of the Enlightenment. His masterwork is the treatise Ethics (1677).
Spinoza stellt sich so gegen die Willkür der Tyrannen und die Manipulationen der Kleriker, die die traurigen Gefühle der Menschen nähren, um sie unter ihrem Joch zu halten. Der Philosoph starb im Alter von 44 Jahren an Tuberkulose.
29. Juni 2001 · Bento (in Hebrew, Baruch; in Latin, Benedictus) Spinoza is one of the most important philosophers—and certainly the most radical—of the early modern period. His thought combines a commitment to a number of Cartesian metaphysical and epistemological principles with elements from ancient Stoicism, Hobbes, and medieval Jewish ...
Baruch de Spinoza, latinisiert Benedictus de Spinoza, (* 24. November 1632 in Amsterdam, † 21. Februar 1677 in Den Haag) war ein niederländischer Philosoph, Vertreter des Rationalismus, Pantheismus und des nicht-normativen Denkens.
Benedict de Spinoza was among the most important of the post-Cartesian philosophers who flourished in the second half of the 17th century. He made significant contributions in virtually every area of philosophy, and his writings reveal the influence of such divergent sources as Stoicism, Jewish Rationalism, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Descartes, and a ...
Benedict de Spinoza, Hebrew Baruch Spinoza, (born Nov. 24, 1632, Amsterdam—died Feb. 21, 1677, The Hague), Dutch Jewish philosopher, a major exponent of 17th-century rationalism. His father and grandfather had fled persecution by the Inquisition in Portugal.
29. Jan. 2024 · Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was a Dutch philosopher who combined rationalism and metaphysics to create a unique system of thought.