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  1. 12. Apr. 2024 · Frankfurt School, group of researchers associated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, who applied Marxism to a radical interdisciplinary social theory. Members of the school included Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin.

  2. RLV ist ein linkes Sub über Sozialismus, Anarchismus und Marxismus. Keine Stalinisten oder Maoisten erwünscht. Bevorzugte Sprachen sind deutsch und englisch.

  3. Vor 4 Tagen · Theodor W. Adorno (* 11. September 1903 in Frankfurt am Main; † 6. August 1969 in Visp, Schweiz; eigentlich Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Soziologe, Musikphilosoph, Komponist und Pädagoge. Er zählt mit Max Horkheimer zu den Hauptvertretern der als Kritische Theorie bezeichneten Denkrichtung, die auch ...

  4. 5. Apr. 2024 · Jurgen Habermas, the most important German philosopher of the second half of the 20th century. A highly influential social and political thinker, he was generally identified with the critical social theory developed from the 1920s by the Frankfurt School. Learn more about Habermass life and career.

  5. Vor 2 Tagen · Fast and easy MAC address lookup on IEEE directory and Wireshark manufacturer database. Search vendor, manufacturer or organization of a device by MAC/OUI address. Fast REST API.

  6. 13. Apr. 2024 · Writing just after the Second World War and reflecting on the bureaucracy and myths of National Socialism and the inanity of the dawn of consumerism, Adorno and Horkheimer addressed themselves to a question which went to the very heart of the modern age: ‘why mankind, instead of entering into a truly human condition, is sinking into a new kind of barbarism’.

  7. 21. Apr. 2024 · Adorno and Horkheimer’s Culture Industry theory explains how popular culture acts as an industry in the capitalist society. They argued that popular culture had contributed a lot to the production of standardized products, which has created standardized consumers. In other words, the culture industry has reached a point of controlling people’s needs and desires. The industry has be