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  1. 31. Mai 2011 · The Berlin City Palace or Berlin Palace (Berliner Stadtschloss aka Berliner Schloss in German) is (partly) getting reconstructed. It's scheduled to be finished and opened as the world cultural museum "Humboldt Forum" in late 2019. Interiors can and will be reconstructed later on, year by year.

  2. 14. Feb. 2016 · Hä? Es wurde doch nun schon mehrmals erwähnt: Es handelt sich hier um eine 3D-Architektur-Visualisierungs-Firma aus Berlin! Nicht um konkrete Planungen oder Bauvorhaben. PS. Eventuell sollte man den Thread löschen und die Beiträge in ein passenderes Subforum verschieben, bevor hier noch mehr Verwirrung gestiftet wird.

  3. 20. Mai 2005 · Berlin. Unfollow Forum Follow Forum Create thread Berlin Talk. Diskussionen, News & Allgemeines ohne Projektbezug ...

  4. 1. Apr. 2013 · Absolut richtig, das Argument mit dem polyzentrischen Berlin kann ich nur unterstreichen. Dies tut Berlin gut, die Lage ist am S-Bahnring und grenzt südlich an Albauquartieren. Die Pläne des Investors sollten mit offenen Armen entgegen genommen werden!

  5. 4. Aug. 2022 · The Berlin-forum is amazingly quiet compared to other fora. And with the buzz going on in international threads on Dresden and Potsdam, its highly convenient to open a seperate general thread on historical reconstruction in Berlin. Until now the info was scattered over separate threads like Berlin Mitte etc. and all mainly in German language ...

  6. 24. März 2020 · Believe me, I've been living in Berlin for 20 years now and have never been to the above mentioned "Märkisches Viertel" until today. In the associated district of Reinickendorf I simply have nothing to do, no connection to it, no friends who live there and there is little there that could interest me. There are more exciting corners in Berlin ...

  7. 13. Jan. 2007 · Beos AG is developing the urban commercial quarter "Berlin Decks" in Berlin-Mitte. Four buildings with around 42,000 square metres of commercial rental space are being built at Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 16-21, directly on the Spree Canal between Berlin's Charité hospital, the Sprengelkiez district and the new Europacity district under development at Berlin's main railway station.

  8. 13. Feb. 2009 · Berlin Airports is building the BBI railway system on the airport grounds on behalf of Deutsche Bahn. A contract was drawn up between the company, the government, the states of Berlin and Brandenburg and Deutsche Bahn to this effect and signed at the ground-breaking ceremony for BBI on 5 September 2006. Berlin Airports has completed 1.3 ...

  9. 26. Okt. 2021 · SIGNA published a new visualisation of the building yesterday. The site is being prepared for construction; partial demolition of the Kaufhof department stores' began on Monday.

  10. 29. März 2015 · Berlin Projects. Reactions: the man from k-town, the dogi, Seoul_Korea and 4 others. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first ...

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