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  1. Bob Fosse war ein vielseitiger Künstler, der für seine Musical-Choreografien und -Inszenierungen am Broadway und im Film bekannt wurde. Er erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter acht Tony Awards und einen Oscar für Cabaret, und starb 1987 an Herzversagen.

  2. › wiki › Bob_FosseBob Fosse - Wikipedia

    Learn about the life and career of Bob Fosse, one of the most influential figures in jazz dance and musical theater. He won awards for his work on stage and screen, including Cabaret, Chicago, and Fosse/Verdon.

  3. 2. Apr. 2014 · Bob Fosse is a choreographer, dancer and director best known for Tony Award-winning musicals including 'Chicago' and 'Cabaret.'

  4. › name › nm0002080Bob Fosse - IMDb

    IMDb provides an overview of Bob Fosse's life and career as an actor, director, choreographer and writer. Learn about his achievements, personal details, trivia, quotes and more.

    • January 1, 1
    • Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • January 1, 1
    • Washington, District of Columbia, USA
  5. 13. Aug. 2024 · Bob Fosse, American dancer, choreographer, and director who revolutionized musicals with his distinct style of dance—including his frequent use of props, signature moves, and provocative steps—and was well known for eschewing light comedic story lines for darker and more-introspective plots.

    • Michael Barson
  6. American dancer, choreographer for the musical stage and screen, writer, and director Bob Fosse (b. Chicago, IL, 23 June 1927; d. Washington, DC, 23 September 1987) was perhaps the most influential figure in the field of jazz dance in the twentieth century.

  7. Learn about the life and career of Bob Fosse, a legendary actor, director and choreographer who won three major industry awards in 1973. Find out his birth and death dates, family, trademarks, trivia, quotes and more.