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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Bobby „Blue“ Bland war ein US-amerikanischer Blues- und Soulsänger. Bland ist vor allem für seinen Soul-Hit Ain’t No Love in the Heart of the City, der von der Hardrockband Whitesnake prominent gecovert wurde, bekannt.

  2. › wiki › Bobby_BlandBobby Bland - Wikipedia

    Robert Calvin Bland (born Robert Calvin Brooks; January 27, 1930 – June 23, 2013), known professionally as Bobby "Blue" Bland, was an American blues singer. Bland developed a sound that mixed gospel with the blues and R&B. [1] He was described as "among the great storytellers of blues and soul music... [who] created tempestuous ...

  3. Best Songs Of Bobby Bland Full Album - Bobby Bland Greatest Hits Collection

  4. Bland, Bobby "Blue". Greatest Hits Vol. 1: The Duke Recordings. MCA Records 11783 (Compilation), 1998, accessed July 4, 2023,

  5. 25. Juni 2013 · Der unter dem Künstlernamen Bobby „Blue“ Bland berühmt gewordene Soulsänger Robert Calvin ist im Alter von 83 Jahren in Memphis, Tennessee, im Kreise seiner Familie gestorben. Dies teilte...

  6. 24. Juni 2013 · Bobby Bland war ein Erneuerer des Blues, in dem er dessen im Süden verankerte Tradition mit orchestralen Balladen-Arrangements verband. Nun ist der große Sänger gestorben.

  7. 24. Juni 2013 · Zwischen Grunz-, Knurr- und Gurgellauten trat ein Musiker zutage, dessen künstlerische Prinzipien Anteilnahme und Trost waren. Zum Tod des Rhythm-&-Blues-Musikers Bobby Bland.

  8. Bobby (“Blue”) Bland (born January 27, 1930, Rosemark, Tennessee, U.S.—died June 23, 2013, Germantown, Tennessee) was an American rhythm-and-blues singer noted for his rich baritone voice, sophisticated style, and sensual delivery; from 1957 to 1985 he scored 63 single hits on the R&B charts.

  9. 24. Juni 2013 · Bobby "Blue" Bland, the blues and soul singer whose most memorable songs included Further On Up the Road and Turn On Your Love Light, has died. The 83-year-old died on Sunday at...

  10. 24. Juni 2013 · Bobby "Blue" Bland, the "Sinatra of the blues" who sang such classics as "Turn On Your Love Light" and "Further On Up The Road," has died. He was 83.