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"These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" is a pop song musically composed by Lee Hazlewood and first written and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released in Febr...
- 3 Min.
- 160,6M
- weissebrauen Robert SidneyAdditional Editing: Chelsea ChristerCelebrated archival reissue label Light in ...
- 3 Min.
- 19,5M
- Nancy Sinatra
"These Boots Are Made for Walkin' " is a hit song written by Lee Hazlewood and recorded by American singer Nancy Sinatra. It charted on January 22, 1966, [8] and reached No. 1 in the United States Billboard Hot 100 and in the UK Singles Chart. [7]
These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ ist ein von Lee Hazlewood geschriebener und von Nancy Sinatra 1966 veröffentlichter Song, der sich zu einem Millionenseller entwickelte.
Nancy Sinatra "These Boots Are Made For Walkin" on The Ed Sullivan Show, February 27, 1966. Subscribe now to never miss an update:
- 4 Min.
- 3,6M
- The Ed Sullivan Show
Boots is the debut studio album by Nancy Sinatra, released by Reprise Records on March 15, 1966. [1] Arranged and conducted by Billy Strange, the album was produced by Lee Hazlewood. [3] It peaked at number 5 on the Billboard 200 chart. [4]
These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ Lyrics: You keep saying you got something for me / Something you call love, but confess / You've been messing where you shouldn't have been messing / And now ...