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Brandon Call ist ein US-amerikanischer Filmschauspieler, der vor allem durch seine Rollen in Baywatch und Eine starke Familie bekannt ist. Er wurde 1976 in Kalifornien geboren und hat eine Tochter aus einer früheren Beziehung.
Brandon Call is an American former actor who starred in Baywatch and Step by Step. He was also shot in both arms by a stranger in 1996 and won several Young Artist Awards.
Brandon Call spielte Mitchs Sohn Hobbie in der ersten Staffel der Serie, doch nachdem die Serie erst ein Jahr später gerettet wurde, war Brandon Call schon zu erwachsen für die Rolle von...
Brandon Call is an American actor who started his career at age two and appeared in movies and TV shows such as Jagged Edge, Baywatch, and Step by Step. He was born in 1976 in Torrance, California, and has one child from a previous marriage.
- January 1, 1
- 1.78 m
- Torrance, California, USA
13. Aug. 2023 · Brandon Call was a child star in the 1990s sitcom Step By Step, but he left show business after the series ended. He survived a drive-by shooting, married, and now works at his family's gas station in San Diego.
- Dalton Norman
- Senior Staff Writer
Der ehemalige Kinderstar Brandon Call startete seine Karriere bereits 1984 und verdiente sich erste Aufmerksamkeit mit der Soap Santa Barbara (1985). Danach war Call in dem Film „ Blind Fury ...
Brandon Call is an actor who starred in Baywatch and Step by Step. He was born in 1976, shot in both arms in 1996, and has a daughter.