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  1. The butterfly effect or sensitive dependence on initial conditions is the property of a dynamical system that, starting from any of various arbitrarily close alternative initial conditions on the attractor, the iterated points will become arbitrarily spread out from each other. Experimental demonstration of the butterfly effect with six ...

  2. Der Schmetterlingseffekt (englisch butterfly effect) ist ein Phänomen der Nichtlinearen Dynamik.Er tritt in nichtlinearen dynamischen, deterministischen Systemen auf und äußert sich dadurch, dass nicht vorhersehbar ist, wie sich beliebig kleine Änderungen der Anfangsbedingungen des Systems langfristig auf die Entwicklung des Systems auswirken.

  3. 9. Juni 2023 · If you thought the butterfly effect was just a terrible 2004 movie starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart, think again. The film was just a new take on a much older concept. The butterfly effect is the idea that small, seemingly trivial events may ultimately result in something with much larger consequences – in other words, they have non-linear impacts on very complex systems.

  4. Butterfly Effect ist ein US-amerikanischer Kinofilm aus dem Jahr 2004. Der Protagonist Evan (Ashton Kutcher) hat in seiner schwierigen Kindheit mehrere Blackouts und beginnt auf Anraten seines Psychologen, ein Tagebuch zu führen. Während seines Collegestudiums entwickelt er mithilfe seiner alten Tagebücher die Fähigkeit, in seine Vergangenheit zu reisen, die er schließlich zu manipulieren ...

  5. 26. Sept. 2024 · butterfly effect, idea in chaos theory that describes how small changes to a complex system’s initial conditions can produce dramatically different outcomes. The butterfly effect was most prominently researched by meteorologist Edward Lorenz in the early 1960s; however, ideas relating to the theory predate Lorenz’s identification of the ...

  6. This phenomenon is known as the butterfly effect—the idea that tiny actions can have non-linear impacts on a global scale. Rather than imagining a butterfly causing a typhoon, consider how a minor software glitch can cascade into a massive system failure, affecting millions. In our interconnected world, initial conditions are everything.

  7. › philosophy › explain-it-whats-the-butterfly-effectExplain it: What's the Butterfly Effect?

    Delving deeper, the Butterfly Effect is one of the fundamental concepts in deterministic chaos theory. It's important to note that it's not about the causation of specific events, but about the unpredictability and complexity of systems. The butterfly-tornado example is an illustration of how unpredictable and complex weather systems are.

  8. 30. Juni 2023 · The first thing to understand is that “ The Butterfly Effect ” is just a metaphor for a field of mathematics called Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory is, in effect, the science of surprises, the ...

  9. 22. Feb. 2011 · When the Butterfly Effect Took Flight. Half a century ago, Edward Lorenz, SM ‘43, ScD ‘48, overthrew the idea of the clockwork universe with his ground-breaking research on chaos. Now MIT ...

  10. The notion that the flap of a butterfly's wings could change the course of weather was an idea that Lorenz himself used. However, he used it to describe something much more radical -- he didn't know whether the Butterfly Effect was true or not. Tim Palmer is Royal Society Research Professor in Climate Physics at the University of Oxford. View ...

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