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Vor 18 Stunden · California State University
Vor 5 Tagen · Learn about the CSU, the nation's largest comprehensive university with 23 campuses and seven off-campus centers. Find out its history, governance, facts, programs, services and achievements.
- Concordia University
- Danish Institute for Study Abroad
- Peking University (Beijing)
Vor 5 Tagen · Learn about the history, governance, facts and programs of the CSU, the nation's largest and most diverse four-year public university. The CSU offers more than 4,000 degree programs, including professional doctoral degrees, at 23 universities and seven off-campus centers.
- Concordia University
- Danish Institute for Study Abroad
- Peking University (Beijing)
Vor 2 Tagen · The California State University will host five free “ College Nights ”—college fairs—throughout the state September 16-30 for high school and community college students, returning students and adult learners to learn about its 23 universities and how to prepare for college. Parents, guardians, family members and educators are also ...
Vor einem Tag · Stan State is the sole California State University in the Central Valley to make the Top 50. In addition to its No. 24 ranking among 500 on the annual list, Stan State ranked No. 2 in the nation for Social Mobility, No. 9 among the top public schools and No. 10 for Best Value. It is one of 15 CSU campuses included on the list.
Vor 5 Tagen · Fresno | CSU - California State University ... Fresno | CSU
Vor einem Tag · The California State University opposes both bills, viewing them as undermining a promise lawmakers made two years ago that community colleges wouldn’t issue bachelor’s degrees that duplicate existing Cal State programs, among other worries. Private colleges oppose the bills, as well. The University of California doesn’t officially oppose the bills but
A Window Between Worlds Is Offering Window Facilitator Training From November 7 To 8. Our Healing Arts Program Is A Growing Resource For Teachers, Social Workers & More.