Vor einem Tag · Bachem, Carl Joseph Emil, Rechtsanwalt, WK Düsseldorf 11 (), Zentrum; Bachmeier, Benedikt, Landwirt Mittelhaarbach, WK Niederbayern 4 (Pfarrkirchen, Eggenfelden ...
Vor 4 Tagen · With Britain also alienated, Bismarck’s nightmare of a coalition against the young upstart empire had become a reality. Twice Germany’s rulers sought to break up the alliance that was forming against it. In 1905 and 1911 Germany created crises over the French penetration of Morocco.
Vor 4 Tagen · Im Frankfurter Stadtteil Höchst haben vermutlich linke Aktivisten eine überlebensgroße Statue des ersten Reichskanzlers des Deutschen Reiches, Otto von Bismarck, zu Fall gebracht. Aber...
Vor 4 Tagen · By dividing the forces of reform and weakening their sense of purpose, Bismarck won as important a success in domestic affairs as the victory on the field of battle. The prime minister had long believed that the achievement of unity could appease liberal demands for political freedom.
Vor 4 Tagen · Nach der „antikolonialen“ Attacke auf das Bismarck-Denkmal in Höchst soll daran eine Informationstafel angebracht werden. So will es der Ortsbeirat. Das Votum einer Expertengruppe wird nicht ...
Vor einem Tag · Prussia's Minister President Otto von Bismarck convinced William that German Emperor instead of Emperor of Germany would be appropriate. He became primus inter pares among other German sovereigns. William II intended to develop a German navy capable of challenging Britain's Royal Navy .
Vor 4 Tagen · Germany - Unification, Bismarck, Prussia: Until his resignation in 1890, Bismarck had a relatively free hand in the conduct of foreign policy. After three successful wars, he saw his task as promoting peace and gaining time so that a powerful German Empire in the middle of Europe would come to be accepted as natural rather than as an ...