Vor 6 Stunden · The House of Malaspina was a noble Italian family of Longobard origin that descended from Boniface I, through the Obertenghi line, that ruled Lunigiana from the 13th to the 14th centuries, and the marquisate of Massa and lordship of Carrara (which later became the Duchy of Massa and Carrara and at a later time the Principality of Massa and the Marquisate of Carrara) since the 14th century.
Vor 6 Stunden · Most Sardinians are native to the island but a sizable number of people have settled outside Sardinia: it had been estimated that, between 1955 and 1971, 308,000 Sardinians emigrated to the Italian mainland. [121] Sizable Sardinian communities are located in Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Tuscany and Latium.
Vor 6 Stunden · Bellinzona (/belːinˈt͡soːna/) [3] (in latino Bilitio o accusativo Bilitionem, 1218 Bilizone [4], XIV sec. Birinzone [5] e Berinzone [6], XV sec. Birinzona anche Berinzona [7], XVI sec. Belinzone o Berinzone [8] Fine XVI secolo Belanzano (Galleria delle mappe Musei Vaticani) o Bellinzone [9], XVII sec. Belizona e Belinzona [10], in dialetto ticinese Belinzona, ma anche Brenzona o Borg [11 ...
Vor einem Tag · Their ancestor, Josef von Sury von Bussy (1817–1887), who had been married to Charlotte de Besenval (1826–1885) since 26 June 1848, had bought the Schloss Waldegg, including the furniture and the paintings, on 6 February 1865 from the last members of the family de Besenval who were entitled to inherit the assets of the former Fidéicommis de Waldegg, which existed from 1684 to 1811. On the ...
Vor einem Tag · Dies ist eine Liste von im Jahr 2002 verstorbenen bekannten Persönlichkeiten. Die Einträge erfolgen innerhalb der einzelnen Daten alphabetisch sortiert. Tiere sind im Die Einträge erfolgen innerhalb der einzelnen Daten alphabetisch sortiert.
Vor 6 Stunden · Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. Jornalista. Informações da coluna . Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. Exclusivo para assinantes . Falta base política para o ajuste. Não se faz corte sem afetar programas ...
Vor 6 Stunden · Alla cortese attenzione delle scuole primarie del territorio nazionale. Si trasmette, in allegato, il bando di concorso nazionale di poesie VII edizione – anno scolastico 2024-25. Con cordialità, Michela Cavallito. La referente del Progetto Istituto Comprensivo “Collegno Marconi”. bando di concorso. Pubblicato il 2 Novembre 2024 da ...