Erfahren Sie mehr über das Leben und Werk des US-amerikanischen Regisseurs, Produzenten und Schauspielers Cecil B. DeMille, der zu den erfolgreichsten und spektakulärsten Filmemachern Hollywoods gehörte. Lesen Sie über seine berühmten Filme, seine Bibel-Epen, seine Auszeichnungen und seinen Stil.
Learn about the life and career of Cecil B. DeMille, an American filmmaker and actor who made 70 features, both silent and sound films. He is known for his epic scale, cinematic showmanship, and biblical and historical narratives.
IMDb provides an extensive overview of the life and career of Cecil B. DeMille, a pioneer of Hollywood and a prolific producer and director of biblical and historical epics. Learn about his family background, his early stage work, his involvement in the film industry, his famous films, his awards, and his legacy.
- January 1, 1
- Ashfield, Massachusetts, USA
- January 1, 1
- Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
8. Aug. 2024 · Learn about the life and career of Cecil B. DeMille, a pioneer of Hollywood and a master of spectacle. Explore his silent and sound films, from The Squaw Man to The Ten Commandments, and his awards and legacy.
- Michael Barson
Learn about the life and career of Cecil B. DeMille, a founder of Hollywood and one of the most influential filmmakers in history. Explore his achievements, awards, family, and legacy on his official website.
Cecil Blount DeMille was a founder of the Hollywood motion-picture industry. His first film, The Squaw Man, was the first feature film shot in Hollywood. His last, The Ten Commandments, remains a box-office legend. He made stars and cultivated artists.
Er gehört zu den Pionieren der amerikanischen Filmindustrie - Cecil Blount DeMille. Geboren am 12. August 1881 in Ashfield, Massachusetts, und aufgewachsen in einem künstlerisch geprägten Familienumfeld, absolviert er zwischen 1898 und 1900 an der Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York eine Schauspielausbildung. Nach seinem Debut im New Yorker ...