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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. CELC provides education to children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old during the most critical period of an individual’s life. We accomplish this through year-round, all-day programming and home visiting. By providing accessible care to families, we reduce financial and professional barriers to overcoming poverty.

  2. The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy is a multidisciplinary research center conducting research related to children’s learning and well-being, and seeking to impact early childhood policy and practice.

  3. Top Rated Preschool & Daycare/Childcare Center serving Columbus, OH. We specialize in Education, Kindergarten Readiness, and provide a safe and secure place for your child to thrive.

  4. South Side Early Learning Center at Reeb Avenue 280 Reeb Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43207 (614) 444-1529

  5. (614) 274-0283. 1 Review. About the Provider. Description: Welcome to Glenwood Center! We offer excellence in education and childcare in a developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that addresses the needs of the whole child. We work in partnership with CDCFC - Head Start of Franklin County.

  6. Home-visitation or center-based education and advocacy programs provide important information to family members on the early developmental needs of their child. For children and families that have experienced trauma and toxic stresses, mental and behavioral health, and counselling services are necessary. And meeting the basic needs of the ...

  7. The YMCA proudly offers infant, toddler and preschool care and education at three full-day early learning centers.