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    Chubu Denryoku


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  1. 26. Sept. 2024 · Location of Japan. This is a list of notable companies based in Japan. For further information on the types of business entities in this country and their abbreviations, see " Business entities in Japan ".

  2. Vor einem Tag · Als Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima werden eine Reihe zusammenhängender katastrophaler Unfälle und schwerer Störfälle im japanischen Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi (Fukushima I) und deren Auswirkungen bezeichnet. Am 11. März 2011 um 14:46 Uhr Ortszeit ereignete sich das Tōhoku-Erdbeben, ein Seebeben, das einen Tsunami auslöste.

  3. Vor 2 Tagen · Nagano (長野市, Nagano-shi, pronounced [naganoꜜ ɕi] [2]) is the capital and largest city of Nagano Prefecture, located in the Nagano Basin (Zenkoji Daira) in the central Chūbu region of Japan. Nagano is categorized as a core city of Japan .

  4. 14. Sept. 2024 · My Chubu itinerary included with a list of places we visited, things to do and money-saving tips when traveling around. Japan is famous and renowned for its culture, history and beautiful nature. For most people, Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka would have been at the top of the list when visiting Japan.

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  5. 9. Sept. 2024 · The Chūbu region, nestled in the heart of Honshū, Japan's main island, is a remarkable tapestry of Japan's rich cultural and natural heritage. Encompassing nine diverse prefectures, this region offers a unique blend of Japan's past and present. From the iconic Mount Fuji in Yamanashi to the historic villages of Shirakawa-gō and ...

  6. 25. Sept. 2024 · Ostjapan (Kantō & Chūbu): In der Region um Tōkyō erreicht das Herbstlaub seinen Höhepunkt Anfang Dezember, während es in den Bergregionen bereits Ende Oktober oder Anfang November zu intensiven Farben kommen kann.

  7. 20. Sept. 2024 · See the latest Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc stock price (9504:XTKS), related news, valuation, dividends and more to help you make your investing decisions.