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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Charles Joseph Bonaparte (* 9. Juni 1851 in Baltimore, Maryland; † 28. Juni 1921 in Bella Vista, Baltimore County, Maryland) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker, der dem Kabinett von Präsident Theodore Roosevelt als Marineminister und als Justizminister angehörte.

  2. A lawyer and political activist, he was a descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte and served as U.S. Attorney General and Secretary of the Navy under Theodore Roosevelt. He created the Bureau of Investigation (later FBI) and supported progressive and liberal causes.

  3. Charles Joseph Bonaparte est un homme politique américain, petit-neveu de Napoléon Ier, secrétaire à la Marine et procureur général sous Theodore Roosevelt. Il crée le Bureau of Investigation, ancêtre du FBI, en 1908.

  4. Charles Joseph Bonaparte (born June 9, 1851, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.—died June 28, 1921, Baltimore) was a lawyer and grandson of Jérôme Bonaparte, youngest brother of Napoleon; he became one of President Theodore Roosevelt’s chief “trust-busters” as U.S. attorney general.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Der Jurist und Politiker Charles Joseph Bonaparte ruft sie ins Leben. Über Bonapartes Leben ist nur wenig bekannt. Fast scheint es, als habe er seine Existenz im besten Stil seiner Agenten...

  6. Charles Joseph Bonaparte, who served as U.S. attorney general under president THEODORE ROOSEVELT, was one of the organizers of the Civic Reform League and the National Municipal League, and he helped to found a Special Agents Force within the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT that was the forerunner of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI).

  7. Learn about the life and career of Charles J. Bonaparte, the grand nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte and a close friend of Theodore Roosevelt. He served as secretary of the Navy and attorney general in TR's cabinet, and founded the FBI in 1908.