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Christopher Cousins is an American actor who has appeared in films, TV shows and soap operas since 1986. He is best known for his roles in One Life to Live, Breaking Bad, Revolution and The Young and the Restless.
Christopher Cousins ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, der vor allem für seine Rolle als Ted Beneke in Breaking Bad bekannt ist. Er wurde 1960 in New York City geboren und spielte in zahlreichen Filmen und Serien mit.
Christopher Cousins is an American actor who has appeared in various TV shows and movies, such as Breaking Bad, The Grudge 2, and Wicker Park. He was born in New York City and has two children with his wife Lori.
- January 1, 1
- 1.77 m
- New York City, New York, USA
23. Okt. 2020 · Christopher Cousins played Ted Beneke, a fraudulent and adulterous businessman, on Breaking Bad. Since then, he has appeared in several canceled TV shows and movies, and his career seems to have faded.
Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Christopher Cousins. Von den Anfängen seiner 28 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.
Christopher Cousins kann einen Auftritt als Hauptdarsteller in Serien für sich verbuchen. UnREAL Hinter den Kulissen einer Dating-Show In der Drama-Serie UnREAL spielte Christopher Cousins...
Christopher Cousins is an actor who has played diverse roles in films, TV shows and theater. He was born in New York City and raised in Oklahoma, and has a wife and two children.