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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The Classical Lyceum Umberto I was founded in 1862 in Naples, Italy, and named after the Prince of Piedmont. The first principal was Prof. Raffaele d'Ambra, a historian and scholar of topography. It was located at vico Sant'Agostino Maggiore.

  2. 15. Sept. 2023 · Presentazione. ll Liceo-GinnasioUmberto I” intitolato al Principe di Piemonte nel 1864, fu istituito con Regio decreto il 9 maggio 1862 e ubicato nell’ex convento di S. Agostino Maggiore.

  3. Il Liceo Classico favorisce una formazione letteraria, storica e filosofica idonea a comprenderne il ruolo nello sviluppo della civiltà e della tradizione occidentale e nel mondo contemporaneo sotto un profilo simbolico, antropologico e di confronto di valori.

  4. Columbus Classical Academy (CCA) is a private classical school in central Ohio, serving grades K-9, adding a grade each year through grade twelve. CCA is a Hillsdale College Curriculum School.

    • The Shape
    • The Torch
    • The Colors

    The shield is classical in nature and a tool of defense. It reminds us that a virtuous life is the best defense of our freedom as both an individual and as society. It reminds us that these things—the good, the true, and the beautiful—are worth defending.

    The torch is a reminder that education illuminates our mind and brings us into the light of truth. The torch reminds us of our classical heritage—we are a part of something older and greater than just our times, or even the classical world of antiquity which we are inheriting. We are a part of something eternal. We have both received this torch fro...

    The colors are those of our nation. Our nation was founded on these classical principles, and we believe in the inseparable role classical education plays in the thriving of our nation. We look to the past in Hillsdale’s distinctly American classical education model. And we look to the future good of our country for which we are pursuing this educa...

  5. As a Hillsdale College Curriculum School, Columbus Classical Academy benefits from Hillsdale’s expertise in developing a world-class classical curriculum as well as its tradition of defending the traditional liberal arts, which they describe as “a window on the past and a gateway to the future.”

  6. This section provides all information needed to submit an application to Columbus Classical Academy. Please contact our admissions team at with any questions. Step 1: Complete Application. Complete your application by following the link below: