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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The College of Europe is characterised by its academic independence, its bilingualism, the diversity of its teaching staff and its multicultural environment, which together create a genuine European ‘microcosm’.

    • Homepage

      The College of Europe is located in the stunning medieval...

    • Academic Offer

      Academic Offer. The academic programmes of Bruges, Natolin...

    • Scholarships

      Funding your studies can be challenging, however...

    • Welcome to Bruges

      Founded in 1949. The College of Europe was established in...

  2. Das College of Europe ist ein postgraduates Hochschulinstitut für europäische Studien mit Standorten in Brügge, Belgien und Natolin, Polen. Es wurde 1949 gegründet und gilt als führende Ausbildungsstätte für die europäische Politik und Verwaltung.

  3. Das College of Europe ist das älteste und renommierteste Institut für postgraduierte European Studies in Europa mit Standorten in Brügge, Natolin (Warschau) und Tirana. Seit 1949 führt die EBD die Auswahl und Betreuung der deutschen Studierenden am College durch.

  4. The College of Europe (Dutch: Europacollege; French: Collège d'Europe; Polish: Kolegium Europejskie) is a post-graduate institute of European studies with its first campus opened in Bruges, Belgium, a second campus located in Warsaw, Poland, and a third one established in Tirana, Albania.

  5. The College of Europe offers a variety of postgraduate programmes in European studies, attracting students from over 50 countries and a highly qualified faculty. Learn why the College is the leading place to study, understand and live Europe.

  6. Academic Offer. The academic programmes of Bruges, Natolin (Warsaw) and Tirana provide students with a specialized grounding in the European dimension of their fields of study as well as an in-depth understanding of Europe in all its complexity.

  7. Learn about Europe's internal and external dimensions at the College of Europe in Natolin, a prestigious institution with an international faculty and student body. Pre-register now for the academic year 2025-2026 and join a global network of alumni.