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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Liberal conservatism. Liberal conservatism is a political ideology that combines elements of conservatism and economic liberalism. Liberal conservatives believe in the free market and laissez-faire economic policies combined with traditional conservative values, such as the belief in natural inequality, the importance of religion, and the value ...

  2. Thus, conservative liberalism, because it is moderate, may accept some form of intervention. Because intervention is a positive liberty, conservative liberalism is a form of positive liberty. Also, becuase the term moderate is a synonym for not radical, Conservative liberalism is a more positive and less radical version of classical liberalism.

  3. Konservativ liberalism är en högerinriktning inom liberalismen som kombinerar liberala idéer med konservativa ståndpunkter. Den betonar ekonomisk frihet , minskad statsmakt (i kontrast till socialliberalism ), fokus på individuella, negativa rättigheter , brotts- och terrorbekämpning samt aktiv utrikespolitik .

  4. Konzervativní liberalismus, známý též jako pravicový liberalismus, je variantou liberalismu, která spojuje liberální zásady a hodnoty s postoji konzervatismu.V moderním světě je vnímán jako méně radikální a více pozitivistická varianta klasického liberalismu, která se vedle klasického liberalismu a sociálního liberalismu vyděluje v další hlavní liberální směr.

  5. Cultural liberalism is a social philosophy which expresses the social dimension of liberalism and advocates the freedom of individuals to choose whether to conform to cultural norms. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, it is often expressed as the right to "march to the beat of a different drummer". [1] Also known as social liberalism in the ...

  6. Since the 1970s however liberalism has been on the rise again electorally. Since 1977 the largest, more conservative, liberal party, VVD has been in government for twenty two years. In early 21st century the VVD saw major splits over the issue of integration and migration. In 2010, they won the national elections for the first time in its history.

  7. e. Liberalism and radicalism have played a role in the political history of France. The main line of conflict in France in the long nineteenth century was between monarchists (mainly Legitimists and Orléanists but also Bonapartists) and republicans ( Radical-Socialists, Opportunist Republicans, and later socialists ).