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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 20. Jan. 2021 · It didn’t last long (Credit: Wikipedia) In 1930, the US cereal manufacturer Kellogg adopted a six-hour shift to help accommodate unemployed workers, and other forms of work-sharing became more ...

  2. Critical consumerism. Critical consumption is the conscious choice to buy or not buy a product because of ethical and political beliefs. The critical consumer considers characteristics of the product and its realization, such as environmental sustainability and respect of workers’ rights. Critical consumers take responsibility for the ...

  3. 2. Apr. 2009 · Consumerism is the equation of personal happiness with consumption and the purchase of material possessions. The term is often associated with criticisms of consumption starting with Thorstein Veblen. Veblen's subject of examination, the newly emergent middle class arising at the turn of the twentieth century, comes to full fruition by the end ...

  4. Consumer culture describes a lifestyle hyper-focused on spending money to buy material goods. It is often attributed to, but not limited to, the capitalist economy of the United States. During the 20th century, market goods came to dominate American life, and for the first time in history, consumerism had no practical limits.

  5. Lo mot « consumerisme » a mai d'un sens: un sens corrent dins la vida sociala que definís l'« accion concertada de consomators » fàcia a la entreprisas; un sens etimologicament erronèu mas espandit en sociologia que definís un « biais de vida ligat a la consomacion » ;

  6. Nello stesso periodo John F. Kennedy enunciò nel Bill of Rights i cinque diritti fondamentali del consumatore: alla salute, alla sicurezza, alla difesa economica, alla difesa legale, alla rappresentanza. In Europa, il diritto alla tutela del consumatore è stato riconosciuto intorno agli anni cinquanta: il Regno Unito e la Danimarca furono i ...

  7. Chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng. Chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng hay chủ nghĩa tiêu thụ là một hình thái xã hội được nhìn nhận trên cơ sở hệ quy chiếu tất cả các mối quan hệ xã hội về hai phạm trù sản xuất và tiêu dùng trong đó hình thái xã hội này đề cao yếu tố tiêu dùng, các hoạt ...