Vor einem Tag · In the same year, 1772, the Kabardian princes sent another embassy to the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey, calling him to assist them in the inevitable war against tsarist Russia. However, in June 1774, despite nominally being allies, the Crimean Khanate attacked Circassia. A large Crimean army led by Khan Devlet-Girey and Kalga Shabaz-Girey attacked Kabarda and the
Vor 8 Stunden · Lesen Sie alle aktuellen Entwicklungen und Nachrichten über den russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine im Liveticker von
Vor einem Tag · Auf dem Terrain war das weitere Geschehen durch die herbstliche Schlammsaison gekennzeichnet, so dass Bodentruppen nur geringe Geländegewinne machen konnten. Die russischen Truppen, gestützt auf die Söldner der Gruppe Wagner , setzten ihre seit Monaten laufende Offensive gegen die Stadt Bachmut im Donbas erfolglos fort und erlitten, wie auch ukrainisches Militär, bei der Schlacht um jene ...
Vor 8 Stunden · Moscow was gaining the upper hand in this struggle (the Livonian War, part of which was the Russo-Lithuanian War of 1561-1570), so the Lithuanian elite decided to conclude a union with Poland, combining the military resources of the two powers against the "Muscovite threat." Poland used the military defeat of Lithuanian Rus' and its economic decline to subjugate it.
Vor 8 Stunden · 403 Watched a three part program on Tubi about the Crimean War. That was a pretty messed up war. Ukraine is sort of like Crimean War 2.0. I can see why the Russians are a bit paranoid about that region. Oh, and I get a trebuchet too.
Vor 8 Stunden · ワンダーウーマン (英: Wonder Woman) は、DCコミックスの出版するアメリカン・コミックスに登場する架空のスーパーヒーロー [1] 。
Vor 8 Stunden · US CIVIL WAR OF 1861 HAD NOTHING, ZILCH, TO DO WITH SLAVERY .. Recently Ukraine released criminals from jails to fight against Russia and die. . 18 months into the civil war, when North was losing against the South Confederacy , cunning Abraham Lincoln freed only southern black slaves to wear military uniform ( at half wages ) to fight with false promise to free them only if northern Union ...