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  1. The Arts and Sciences consist of more than 40 academic departments and programs; top majors among 2020 graduates were economics, government, computer science, engineering sciences, and biology. Set your schedule. Dartmouth offers more than 2,100 undergraduate courses in the liberal arts. We educate global citizens, gifted writers and artists ...

  2. At Dartmouth, education happens not only within traditional academic departments, but also at the intersections between them. Explore over 40 departments and interdisciplinary programs of the Faculty of Arts and Scienceslisted below. Additionally, the Geisel School of Medicine’s departments cover basic science and clinical fields, Thayer ...

  3. 18. Apr. 2024 · Dartmouth College, private, coeducational liberal arts college in Hanover, N.H., U.S. It is one of the eight Ivy League schools, widely regarded for their high academic standards, selectivity in admissions, and social prestige. The college has its antecedents in Moor’s Indian Charity School of Lebanon, Conn., founded by the Reverend Eleazar ...

  4. Dartmouth College je soukromá instituce vyššího vzdělání ve Spojených státech amerických, jedna z nejprestižnějších, je členem Ivy League. Své sídlo má v Hanoveru, ve státě New Hampshire. Má 5987 studentů a 647 profesorů. Byla založena 13. prosince 1769, název je odkazem na tehdejšího britského ministra kolonií ...

  5. Das Dartmouth College wurde 1769 in Hanover, New Hampshire, gegründet und ist somit die neuntälteste Universität der USA sowie die letzte gegründete Hochschule der amerikanischen Kolonialzeit. Das Dartmouth College, auch bekannt als Big Green, ist eine der acht Universitäten der Ivy League und zählt zu den ältesten und renommiertesten Institutionen der USA. Das Motto des Dartmouth ...

  6. Dartmouth College (/ ˈ d ɑːr t m ə θ / DART-məth) Ivy League içerisinde yer alan bir araştırma üniversitesidir. Hanover, New Hampshire , Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 'nde bulunur . 1769'da Eleazar Wheelock tarafından kurulan, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki en eski dokuzuncu yüksek öğrenim kurumu ve Amerikan Devrimi'nden önce kiralanan dokuz kolonyal kolejden biridir.

  7. dartmouth .edu. 位置. 达特茅斯学院 (英語: Dartmouth College / ˈdɑːrtməθ / DART-məth ),是一座位于 美国 东北部 新罕布什尔州 汉诺威 鎮的一所 私立大学 ,是 常春藤聯盟 成員。. 该校建于1769年,是美国的9所 殖民地学院 之一。. 它的校區坐落在 康涅狄格河 河谷 ...