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  1. 13. Juli 2021 · Juli 1956 geprägt - auf einer Konferenz von Computerwissenschaftlern am Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Künstliche Intelligenz gilt als Schlüsseltechnologie der Digitalisierung – und ist ...

  2. Dartmouth offers more than 2,100 undergraduate courses in the liberal arts. We educate global citizens, gifted writers and artists, wise business leaders, thoughtful doctors, and compassionate engineers. Our faculty are deeply invested in nurturing creativity as well as critical thinking. You can explore the cultural underpinnings and economic ...

  3. Dartmouth College je soukromá instituce vyššího vzdělání ve Spojených státech amerických, jedna z nejprestižnějších, je členem Ivy League. Své sídlo má v Hanoveru, ve státě New Hampshire. Má 5987 studentů a 647 profesorů. Byla založena 13. prosince 1769, název je odkazem na tehdejšího britského ministra kolonií ...

  4. Dartmouth will automatically receive the QuestBridge application materials for QuestBridge Finalists who rank Dartmouth in the National College Match. If you do not rank Dartmouth, you will need to request your QuestBridge application be sent to us. For more information, please email

  5. At Dartmouth, education happens not only within traditional academic departments, but also at the intersections between them. Explore over 40 departments and interdisciplinary programs of the Faculty of Arts and Scienceslisted below. Additionally, the Geisel School of Medicine’s departments cover basic science and clinical fields, Thayer ...

  6. Das Dartmouth College wurde 1769 in Hanover, New Hampshire, gegründet und ist somit die neuntälteste Universität der USA sowie die letzte gegründete Hochschule der amerikanischen Kolonialzeit. Das Dartmouth College, auch bekannt als Big Green, ist eine der acht Universitäten der Ivy League und zählt zu den ältesten und renommiertesten Institutionen der USA. Das Motto des Dartmouth ...

  7. Dwight D. Eisenhower ) Il Dartmouth College si trova ad Hanover, cittadina del New Hampshire, nell'alta valle del fiume Connecticut nel New England . I suoi 1,1 km² (269 acri) del campus sono centrati attorno a due ettari (cinque acri) di prato chiamato "Green", che un tempo era un bosco di pini (tagliati nel 1771). Dartmouth è il più grande proprietario terriero privato della città di ...