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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The objective of Diplomacy is to be the first nation to own half of the supply centers in the game. To accomplish this, you can move your units around the board, fighting to claim other players' supply centers as your own. For each supply center you occupy, you get to build a new unit at the end of the year that you can use to fight for more ...

  2. Diplomatie ist die Kunst, einen Hund so lange zu streicheln, bis Maulkorb und Leine fertig sind. Diplomatie ist die Kunst, mit 100 Worten das auszudrücken, was man mit einem Wort sagen könnte. Diplomatie ist, mit dem Schwein freundlich aber zielorientiert über die Notwendigkeit des Sonntagsbratens zu verhandeln.

  3. Diplomacy - Negotiation, Protocol, Relations: The view in late medieval Europe that the first diplomats were angels, or messengers from heaven to earth, is perhaps fanciful, but some elements of diplomacy predate recorded history. Early societies had some attributes of states, and the first international law arose from intertribal relations. Tribes negotiated marriages and regulations on trade ...

  4. Was ist Urban Diplomacy - Städtediplomatie? Urban Diplomacy (auch Städtediplomatie oder city diplomacy) ergänzt die Beziehungen zwischen Staaten und Regierungen um eine wichtige Möglichkeit für Dialog und Austausch. Besonders dann, wenn diplomatische Beziehungen auf bilateraler Ebene belastet sind oder unruhige Zeiten bevorstehen, kann ...

  5. Public Diplomacy. Der Begriff Public Diplomacy ( PD) wurde zu Beginn der 1960er Jahre in den USA geprägt und beschreibt die Ausrichtung moderner Diplomatie, die als Adressaten insbesondere ausländische Öffentlichkeiten zum Ziel hat. Public Diplomacy stellt damit eine Mischung aus Auslands- Propaganda, politischem Marketing ...

  6. Diplomacy is conventionally understood as the processes and institutions by which the interests and identities of sovereign states are represented to one another. Diplomats are understood to be people accredited by those they represent to undertake this work. We should be careful with definitions, however (see Box 18.1 for examples). They clarify the ways in which people use a term; they do ...

  7. Public diplomacy has become an essential subject for both practitioners of foreign policy and scholars of international relations/world politics. The term has garnered wide popularity and is frequently used in policy papers, magazines, academic books and articles. Indeed, the more popular the term becomes, the more diverse and in some cases ...