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  1. Vor 22 Minuten · President George “Dubya” Bush was so hapless that he had several “Strangelove” type figures to dream up the Iraq War, including Dick “shot his own best friend in the face” Cheney and Don “known unknowns” Rumsfeld.

  2. › wiki › Jimmy_CarterJimmy Carter - Wikipedia

    Vor einem Tag · On November 22, 1976, Carter conducted his first visit to Washington, D.C. after being elected, meeting with director of the Office of Management James Lynn and United States secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld at the Blair House, and holding an afternoon meeting with President Ford at the White House. [133]

  3. Vor einem Tag · Donald Rumsfeld, als Verteidigungsminister unter George W. Bush einer Architekten des Irakkrieges, distanzierte sich 2015 von dem Ziel der Bush-Regierung und der Neokonservativen, aus dem Irak eine Demokratie nach westlichem Vorbild zu machen:

  4. › wiki › EmpireEmpire - Wikipedia

    Vor einem Tag · Former President G. W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, said: "We don't seek empires. We're not imperialistic; we never have been." [88] This was said in the context of the international opposition to the Iraq War led by the United States in manner widely regarded as imperial.

  5. Vor einem Tag · Lo scenario globale interroga il Paese leader dell’Occidente, gli Usa, sul suo approccio politico/strategico dinnanzi al “nuovo mondo” emergente.

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