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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · The expectation of some zydeco accordion is promised, but never delivered, that anticipation enhancing the song’s reception. Mercury has a proto pop-psychedelia feel. very much like when US bands tried to ape the English Invasion of, gulp, sixty years ago. Gloriously retro, the palpable touch of Doug Sahm is all over this one. And, mindful we ...

  2. Vor 4 Tagen · 12 promises a new chapter–both sonic and otherwise–for White Denim, who cited Nick Lowe, Jonathan Richman, Doug Sahm and Joe Jackson as the record’s key influences. The bright tones of ...

  3. 21. Aug. 2024 · The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Doug Sahm were my favorite bands who played weekly gigs.” You played with your band the Violators at Austin’s first punk club, Raul’s. What was that like?

  4. whitedenimband.bandcamp.com12 | White Denim

    Vor 4 Tagen · In terms of actual songwriting, James has been vibing on Nick Lowe, Jonathan Richman, Doug Sahm and Joe Jackson – “these guys who make very energetic, intentional music that’s sophisticated but also willing to have a good time.” By opening up to different methods of composition and production on ‘12’, James Petralli has succeeded in rejuvenating White Denim, while keeping ...

  5. Vor 2 Tagen · NASA Country, Capps' backing band, is composed of legendary San Antonio bass player Odie, jazz drummer Kory Cook, lead guitarist and urban farmer Torin Metz and Justin Boyd, who's dubbed the ...

  6. Vor 4 Tagen · Since the late 2000s, Silverada has been honoring the musical traditions of the Lone Star State, everything from the cosmic American music of Doug Sahm to Western swing and dancehall boogie to the tender ballads favored by George Strait. When they started playing bars near the University of Texas, they took on the moniker Mike & The Moonpies ...

  7. 27. Aug. 2024 · The band has recently been named “Best Honky Tonk Group” by Austin TX’s Ameripolitan Awards for 2024. They tour North America, the EU, and the UK through the summer backing and opening for Emily Nenni, then embarking on their own North American tour in October after making an official appearance at Americanafest in September. Down Home is releasing on October 11th on Appalachia Record Co.