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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Dustin Lee Hoffman ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur und Filmproduzent. 1967 gelang ihm mit seinem zweiten Film Die Reifeprüfung der internationale Durchbruch. Für seine Rollen in den Dramen Kramer gegen Kramer und Rain Man gewann er je einen Oscar als bester Hauptdarsteller. Er ist zudem mehrfacher Golden-Globe ...

  2. Dustin Lee Hoffman (born August 8, 1937) is an American actor. As one of the key actors in the formation of New Hollywood, Hoffman is known for his versatile portrayals of antiheroes and emotionally vulnerable characters. His accolades include two Academy Awards, four BAFTA Awards, five Golden Globe Awards, and two Primetime Emmy Awards.

  3. 12. Aug. 2024 · Hoffman wird per Zufall zum Filmstar. Dustin Hoffman (l.) und Tom Cruise in einer Szene des Films "Rain Man". Der in Los Angeles geborene Hoffman unternimmt erste...

  4. Dustin Hoffman filmography. Dustin Hoffman at Cannes. American actor Dustin Hoffman began his career by appearing in an episode of Naked City in 1961. His first theatrical performance was 1961's Shmem needs a shink as Ridzinski.

  5. Dustin Hoffman. Actor: Tootsie. Dustin Lee Hoffman was born in Los Angeles, California, to Lillian (Gold) and Harry Hoffman, who was a furniture salesman and prop supervisor for Columbia Pictures. He was raised in a Jewish family (from Ukraine, Russia-Poland, and Romania).

  6. Dustin Hoffman. Actor: Tootsie. Dustin Lee Hoffman was born in Los Angeles, California, to Lillian (Gold) and Harry Hoffman, who was a furniture salesman and prop supervisor for Columbia Pictures. He was raised in a Jewish family (from Ukraine, Russia-Poland, and Romania).

  7. 8. Aug. 2017 · Dustin Hoffman wird 80. Der Unsichere. Die Rolle des College-Absolventen, der sich von der Freundin seiner Mutter verführen lässt, brachte ihm 1967 den Durchbruch: Dustin Hoffman hielt sich in...

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