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  1. eat the rich. 是什么意思?. 查看翻译. Prepoqui. 2017年5月26日. 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 半母语者. 德语 半母语者. It's like saying "down with the rich."

  2. 15. Aug. 2018 · How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? let’s eat. How do you say this in Spanish (Spain)? être riche. Recommended Questions.

  3. 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。

  4. 26. Mai 2017 · 例文を教えてください 自由に質問したい. 【ネイティブが回答】「eat the rich」ってどういう意味?. 質問に3件の回答が集まっています!. Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。.

  5. 按类型列出的新问题. what does "to eat the rich" mean?It's used to indicate something bad happening to rich people. It would help to have the complete sentence.的定义.

  6. eat the rich. 은 무슨 뜻인가요? See a translation. Prepoqui. 26 5월 2017. 영어 (미국) 프랑스어 (프랑스) 거의 유창함. 독일어 거의 유창함. It's like saying "down with the rich."

  7. 26. Mai 2017 · Or "damn the rich." I think.... it's not a very common saying. I think.... it's not a very common saying. Inglés (US) Francés (Francia) Alemán Italiano Japonés Coreano Polaco Portugués (Brasil) Portugués (Portugal) Ruso Chino simplificado Español (México) Chino tradicional (Taiwan) Turco Vietnamita

  8. 1. Apr. 2020 · Synonym for I'm too tired to cook tonight. I'm too tired to cook tonight. => the speaker doesn't expect the listener to think anything in particular I'm so tired that I can't cook tonight. => the speaker expects you to say, "Wow, you really are tired." The difference is very subtle. The "so" in the second sentence kind of implies that the speaker thinks it's unusual or impressive how tired ...

  9. 1. Aug. 2022 · fatFat can mean overweight (in a person): : Tom is fat. He needs to lose about 100 pounds. Fat can also be used when a food (meat, bacon) has white stuff showing: "That bacon has too much FAT on it" "Don't eat so much sugar and carbs, you will get fat". Fatty is the adjective, used when talking about food: That hamburger meat is too FATTY.|Fat is primarily used to describe fat cells themselves ...

  10. Language Learning Q&A App. Click here for the app version. Download for free. HiNative is a global Q&A platform where you can ask people from all over the world questions about language and culture. We support over 110 languages.