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  1. Vor 2 Tagen · Edward III. (13. November 1312 - 21. Juni 1377) war ab 1327 König der Plantagenet-Dynastie in England, Sohn von Edward II. und Isabella von Frankreich, Tochter von König Philipp IV. dem Schönen, Frankreich. Er bestieg den englischen Thron, nachdem sein Vater, Edward II., von Isabella von Frankreich und Roger Mortimer entthront worden war. Offiziell wurde England in dieser Zeit von einem Rat ...

  2. Vor 2 Tagen · Edward III (13 November 1312 – 21 June 1377), also known as Edward of Windsor before his accession, was King of England from January 1327 until his death in 1377. He is noted for his military success and for restoring royal authority after the disastrous and unorthodox reign of his father, Edward II. Edward III transformed the ...

  3. Vor 4 Tagen · The reign ended in truce, if not peace. United Kingdom - Edward III, Monarchy, Reformation: Edward III achieved personal power when he overthrew his mother’s and Mortimer’s dominance in 1330 at the age of 17. Their regime had been just as corrupt as that of the Despensers but less constructive.

  4. Vor 2 Tagen · In the following attempt to estimate the extent of the services rendered to Edward III by the Bardi and Peruzzi, it is proposed that the Society of the Bardi shall be first dealt with, as they, without doubt, were the more important at the commencement of the reign.

  5. Vor 5 Tagen · Edward III; 13 ноября 1312 — 21 июня 1377) — король Англии с 1327 года из династии Плантагенетов, сын короля Эдуарда II и Изабеллы Французской, дочери короля Франции Филиппа IV Красивого. Взошёл на английский престол после свержения отца, Эдуарда II, Изабеллой Французской и Роджером Мортимером.

  6. Vor 15 Stunden · The death of Charles II of Spain in 1700 led to the War of the Spanish Succession, and that of Emperor Charles VI in 1740 to the War of the Austrian Succession. The former was won by House of Bourbon, putting an end to Habsburg rule in Spain.

  7. Vor 15 Stunden · Energie Cottbus stürmt durch die 3. Liga, Timmy Thiele trifft historisch und Eduard Geyer wird 80 Jahre alt. Der Kulttrainer kommt im Podcast ausführlich zu Wort.