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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Maria Anna Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi Levoy ( tiếng Pháp: Marie Anne Elisa Bonaparte; 3 tháng 1 năm 1777 – 7 tháng 8 năm 1820), được biết đến nhiều hơn với tên Elisa Bonaparte, là một công chúa hoàng gia của Đệ Nhất Đế chế Pháp và là em gái của Hoàng đế Napoléon I. Năm 1805, bà được anh ...

  2. Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi versucht in ihrer Regierungszeit der Stadt Florenz ein würdiges, künstlerisches Dasein zu verleihen. Dahinter war allerdings der Eigennutz zu sehen, dass sie sich in einer herrschaftlich-künstlerischen Linie mit den vormaligen Herrschern der Toskana, den Medici, zu stellen gedachte.

  3. Ebensowenig wie die andern Mitglieder der Familie Bonaparte stand Elisa mit dem Gefangenen von Sankt Helena oder seinen Begleitern in geheimem Briefwechsel. Höchstens wünschte sie, wie alle andern auch, Erleichterung und Milderung seiner Gefangenschaft. Nur zu diesem Zwecke wollte sie im April 1818 persönlich beim Kaiser Franz Fürsprache einlegen, als er und seine Gemahlin sich in Triest ...

  4. Elisa Bonaparte with her daughter Napoleona Baciocchi (1810/1810) by François GérardMuseo Napoleonico The oil on canvas was created by François Gérard on the direct commission of Napoleon Bonaparte, who commissioned the painter with a decree to portray the official full-size family portraits to adorn the walls of the Malmaison, externalizing the glory and memory of the 'Emperor at its apogee.

  5. The history of the Basilica of San Petronio is intertwined with a very famous family, that of the Bonaparte family. In fact, Bologna has been, even if for just a short while, the home of Maria Anna Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon’s sister. The woman arrived in the city in 1814, when she was dismissed from the office of Princess of Piombino, of ...

  6. Elisa Bonaparte Biografický portál Elisa Bonapartová (* 3. január 1777 , Ajaccio , Korzika – † 7. august 1820 , Terst , Taliansko ) bola mladšou sestrou Napoleona Bonaparta , z jeho vôle veľkovojvodkyňou toskánskou v rokoch 1809 – 1814.

  7. Elisa Bonaparte with her daughter Napoleona Baciocchi (1810/1810) by François GérardMuseo Napoleonico The oil on canvas was created by François Gérard on the direct commission of Napoleon Bonaparte, who commissioned the painter with a decree to portray the official full-size family portraits to adorn the walls of the Malmaison, externalizing the glory and memory of the 'Emperor at its apogee.